Angina, constipation ou fièvre ? Magnesium chloride, a miracle cure to 2 € !

What costs two euros pharmacy and heals almost everything ? Magnesium chloride ! Tales Fatigue, lack of tone, Constipation, irritability, les angines blanches ou rouges, la grippe, la fièvre, le stress, wounds, yeast infections (see This folder), list of its virtues is long ! And for good reason, magnesium chloride is a real "field remedy" that acts on the nervous system, a fundamental system to maintain health. To take advantage of its benefits, simply dilute a small teaspoon in the morning, on an empty stomach, in a glass & rsquo; water. It has breakfast quarter d & rsquo; hour.

magnesium chloride

"I consider this as the very basis of my family pharmacy, I recommend it for over thirty years and could not get you to do the same ", says Marie-France Muller, doctor of psychology and naturopathy, author Magnesium chloride. A little-known miracle cure1. It is indeed urgent to give it a place in our cabinets, as invite us to the work of several researchers. In bio shops, there is also the “nigari”, the natural form of magnesium chloride, extracted from seawater with food salt (sodium chloride).

Against polio, tetanus, diphtheria, cancer, etc. !


We owe to Professor Pierre Delbet (1861-1957) the first comprehensive studies on the benefits of magnesium chloride. Doctor, Clinical Director, hospital surgeon and member of the & rsquo; Academy of Medicine, he was obsessed, during his internship, the harmfulness of antiseptics used in his day to clean wounds. War 1914-18, during which he was drafted as a surgeon, allows it to find that the magnesium chloride solution (MgCl2) gives extraordinary results. For injured, it will also be the & rsquo; s experience & rsquo; effectiveness of MgCl2 internally as a stimulating cell.

Later, it will make the relationship between the rapid increase in cancers and magnesium deficiency widespread. He wrote two books about it : Cancer prevention policy2, in which he demonstrates the & rsquo; impact of magnesium deficiency in the development of this disease, and L & rsquo; Agriculture and Health, in collaboration with d & rsquo; other specialists, where shows that patterns of intensive crops and refining carencent magnesium in foods.

We are all deficient in magnesium

"So, Is white bread, for Delbet, Breteau and number & rsquo; authors, one of the most formidable errors of modern times ", said Dr. Jean Valnet in a must read Heal by vegetables, fruits and cereals3. One hundred grams of white bread contain 0,5 mg of magnesium, against 133 mg in the whole grain, and 342 mg sprouted wheat. It's the difference between foods depending on their level of processing.

"Convincing a trivial chemical element plays an important role is a difficult undertaking", written Delbet. This is probably why his two books have little interest, nor the work of his successor, Dr. Neveu, Treatment of the diphtheria (from 1932), tetanus and polio with magnesium chloride.

Dr. Neveu has exhibited in Cytophylactique the treatment of poliomyelitis by magnesium chloride,victorious fifteen cases of illness. He claims to have obtained positive results not only immediately applying the treatment early in the disease, but also improvements in patients treated by Medicaments allopathic and is already with extensive paralysis and sometimes total. Unfortunately, this work n & rsquo; were not a match for Vaccinology booming. At that time, the first vaccines starting to emerge from the Institut Pasteur and the "Field of Medicine" is no longer a priority.

It should also Dr. Neveu this incredible statement during the outbreak of severe influenza of winter 1934-35 : "The old men were almost all infected and all fared the magnesium chloride solution. This medicine cut their fever. »If& Lsquo; pandemic alerts (seasonal flu, Avian Flu, etc.) it is better to make provisions magnesium chloride bags that Tamiflu ! Sold about 2 Euro Pharmacy4, product compete effectively influenza vaccines, without the side effects. Oddly, c & rsquo; is a little known cure. Maybe because that & rsquo; n & rsquo it, is not at all profitable for laboratories…

Essential food for the nerve cell

chlorumagèneFor recalcitrant bitter taste of magnesium chloride, and similarly for the other, one can opt for chlorumagène (magnesium hydroxide) for all internal use. This medication, aujourd & rsquo; hui only prescribed for constipation5 becomes "magnesium chloride in the nascent state" in the stomach under the influence of hydrochloric acid.

martin-du-theilIn Defense by the nervous system6, a major work, Dr. Martin du Theil, its discoverer, wrote, after fifteen years of product use : "There is a real saving food for the nerve cell which he immediately offsets expenses. The sympathetic [autonomic nervous system,7 n], through the & rsquo; energy and kept intact, maintains the & rsquo; s body & rsquo; immune to the disease by making vain microbial attack. It n & rsquo; is no better prophylactic agent [prevention, n] against all the infectious nature of diseases and it is for this reason I advise to make it a daily or at least enough frequent. »8 More, "It is suitable for all ages, it does not irritate the intestinal mucous membrane. »

And flu ?

Exactly, Dr. Martin du Theil l & rsquo; evokes in his work. "I started to apply the treatment chlorumagène from September 1918. Discharged on that date, I returned to Neuilly when the famous flu 1918 made its appearance. […] The success was so complete that & rsquo; s he could & rsquo; be, since I had the satisfaction of not having a single death to see. »

Better yet : "This method gave me results in diseases considered as two of the most formidable, c & rsquo; ie tuberculosis and cancer. For ten years, I put all my patients operated systematically cancer, a process comprising & rsquo; use, day early, of chlorumagène, whether old or recent cases - one of them end date 1918 - Ten years, I say, I had to find a single recidivism ", the doctor wrote in March 1929.

However Nuançons the purpose in that our environment is more polluted aujourd & rsquo; hui by many carcinogens that n & rsquo; not exist in & rsquo; time. We & rsquo s power; is also considerably impoverished.

Also very useful for depression

the chloride of magnesium-de Marie-France-muller-cure

Needless to say, this remedy also be depressed to the extent that depression lies in a malfunction of the nervous sphere (the dystonie neurovegetative), responsible disorders & rsquo; mood and sleep, but d & rsquo; lower immune defenses in many cases.

"It is not without reason, en effet, that & rsquo; a person, previously healthy and d & rsquo; a constant good humor, becomes sad, irritable, susceptible, brought to the & rsquo; exaggeration, the ” dark thoughts ” and sometimes suffers from & rsquo; insomnia that leave broken fatigue on awakening. We must therefore immediately, from the & rsquo; onset disorders, and without waiting for that & rsquo; they are full, bring to the sympathetic support he needs, and continue up & rsquo; the total energy recovery, that is to say, until the return to the normal state. »

Obtain magnesium chloride is a first step towards more & rsquo; autonomy, Prevention and freedom in the conduct of his health, including being in & rsquo; d & listen first rsquo signals, warning of our nervous system. Place the magnesium chloride or chlorumagène in & rsquo; family medicine cabinet will d & rsquo; escape many potentially toxic orders, thanks to its natural antibiotic action that prevents anything that can get on our nerves…

Magnesium chloride-book

1 Youth Editions, 2005.

2 Ed. Denoël (1944)

3 Few (first edition 1967).

4Sachet 20 gr, dissolved in 1,5 liter & rsquo; water, to drink throughout the day, sips. A bottle can make two or three days. For more information, see the book by Marie-France Muller. Its natural counterpart, Let nigari, s & rsquo; buys organic shop. Precautions for kidney. D & rsquo; general, i recommend : a small teaspoon in the morning, on an empty stomach, to dissolve in a glass of & rsquo; water at room temperature. Depending on the initial effects (about one or two days) you can reduce or increase a little back.

5 C & rsquo; is & rsquo; authorization on the market that such restriction. Any additional therapeutic claim requires numerous and expensive studies that the laboratory chlorumagène marketing the n & rsquo; not wished to undertake. It n & rsquo; nevertheless the virtues of this remedy is not limited to this single use.

6Scientific and medical library Amédée Legrand, 1933. Reprinted several times, you can buy the, second hand, on the Internet.

7 Also called sympathetic, the sympathetic nervous system corresponding to the setting state & rsquo; s warning & rsquo; organization and preparation in & rsquo; physical activity and intellectual. It is offset by the parasympathetic nervous system, which governs digestion and recovery. These two pathways (sympathetic and parasympathetic) form the autonomic nervous system, also called the autonomic nervous system.

8Also sold in pharmacies. A knife point in a glass & rsquo; water, once a day approximately (preventive effect). No & rsquo; deleterious effects on the kidney, d & rsquo; after Dr. Martin du Theil.

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14 Comment “Angina, constipation ou fièvre ? Magnesium chloride, a miracle cure to 2 € !”

  1. Cseley says:

    Thank you for this very useful article on this “David” against the “Goliath” that are consortia of the pharmaceutical industry….!

  2. Isa says:

    Pryska thank you ! …and how it is used ? it is a powder which is stirred in water ?

  3. Pryska says:

    yes i do, see note 4 and end of the first paragraph. Sachet 20 gr, dissolved in 1,5 liter & rsquo; water, to drink throughout the day, sips. A bottle can make two or three days. For more information, see the book by Marie-France Muller. Its natural counterpart, Let nigari, s & rsquo; buys organic shop. Precautions for kidney. D & rsquo; general, i recommend : a small teaspoon in the morning, on an empty stomach, to dissolve in a glass of & rsquo; water at room temperature. Depending on the initial effects (about one or two days) you can reduce or increase a little back.

  4. Sylvie says:

    Miracle of our family pharmacy remedy. The taste is not great, to give the children we make our own syrup. For this to take an empty bottle of syrup (pharmacy) wherein we dilute 1cc nigari salt with a fruit syrup (genre grenadine, but ours prefer when diluted in syrup citrus).
    Once a little cold starts : they are given 1 to 3 cs per day (for the effects).

  5. Maud says:

    A big thank you for your involvement and your actions all go in the right direction : the Life !
    About this article about magnesium, can you tell me whether the effects are the same if we take it in another form magnesium, particularly bisglycinate and glycerophosphate ?

  6. Priscilla Ducoeurjoly says:

    Maud thank you! not the effects are not identical. Molecules that you mention make it more available magnesium, So much still in the case of nervous exhaustion and stress. In contrast, Immunity side and bowel cleansing (Purgatory effect), better to stay on the magnesium chloride or magnesium hydroxide. Nothing also prevents you to alternate these cures.

  7. simon says:

    good morning,

    I take 3 Delbiase tablets daily for 2 month, I sleep much better, I find that I am less irascible (not sure of spelling !), is it the same as the powder ? thank you for your answer

  8. BIDI says:

    Chloride mg is effective in cases of flatulence, but also in the case of joint aches and pains ( a parent derives great benefits)

  9. mimi says:

    I wonder if there Mg chloride is effective against constipation and how many grams per day rather they take t doses are to be taken by day

  10. Priscilla Ducoeurjoly says:

    pharmacist will answer easily !

  11. Dr ghassan says:

    Bcq thank you pr your article on magnesium chloride . It is very interesting and very useful .

  12. Christiane says:

    Je prends du chlorure de magnesium régulièrement mais j’aimerais savoir combien de jours dois-je prendre et s’il faut arrêter de temps en temps pour ne pas s’habituer?

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