My Trail

Independent French journalist, writer specializing in health and environment,

I am also involved in citizen communication


I formed in the paper the regional daily press before flying on my own freelance. J & rsquo; indeed have a taste for subjects d & rsquo; investigation and freedom & rsquo; Action ! I like writing but I also practice the realization and video editing.

Strong d & rsquo; full training in naturopathy (2006), I realize investigations on my blog, and various web logs or paper, in my chosen field : Health and environment. Currently, I collaborate with the magazine New Health, based in Belgium and the Swiss group Santé Nature Innovation.

My son in red d & rsquo; information :
Public utility information and communication
Detox facing the & rsquo; intox media manufactured
Citizen Investigation


Since Then 2018 : Freelance journalist for,,fr,NeoSanté,,fr,Health Nature Innovation,,fr,Symptothermal counselor,,fr,I'm preparing a new book,,fr,I have collaborated with the,,fr,Swiss foundation,,fr,I became interested in the work of the,,fr,fondation Symptotherm,,en,I became,,fr,Communications Officer of the SymptoTherm Foundation,,fr,symptothermal counselor,,fr,and I contributed to the,,fr,redesign of the manual,,fr,I have published several surveys for the,,fr,neo health magazine,,fr,that you can find for some in the rubric,,fr,association We Love Future,,en Neo Health (Belgium) and Santé Nature Innovation (Switzerland). Je prépare un nouveau livre ! In 2020/2021, I renovated my third ecological house. In 2022 : I trained in syntropy (form of advanced agroforestry) for the development of my garden in permaculture mode and nourishing forest. In 2023 : I'm working on two books, one in co-creation with a scientist, the other as a second personal essay.

Since Then 2013, parallel to my work as a journalist, j’ai collaboré avec la Swiss foundation and socio-cultural association La Smala to co-write several books d & rsquo; utility : Netizens (General manual e-culture), Roots of the digital economy (a variation of Citoyen du Net, to the attention of social entrepreneurs), and Ecopol, a manual transition poles Community Ecology. See page Books open access).

Always 2013, je me suis intéressée au travail de la fondation Symptotherm, in & rsquo; & rsquo opportunity; a article rédigé en pige pour le magazine belge Néo Santé. This foundation, engaged in ecological contraception, m & rsquo; opened his eyes on & rsquo; abusive hegemony of chemical contraceptives. J & rsquo; waited 35 years to discover that & rsquo; a reliable alternative existed! Je suis devenue chargée de communication de la fondation SymptoTherm (2014/2017), conseillère en symptothermie et j’ai contribué à la refonte du manuel Full Symptothermie. After 5 ans de collaboration, en janvier 2018 je suis revenue au journalisme avec de nouvelles collaborations freelance et je prépare aussi plusieurs ouvrages de société !

Pure journalism side, j’ai publié plusieurs enquêtes pour la revue Néo Santé que vous pouvez retrouver pour certains dans la rubrique folders. Qu’on partage ou pas la ligne éditoriale alternative de cette revue, je remercie Yves Rasir de m’avoir offert de publier sur des sujets cruciaux auxquels peu de médias s’intéressent.

J’ai aussi créé en 2013 the’association We Love Future, Closed in 2015, to conduct a documentary project. This allowed me to make a first short film about personal change as part of & rsquo; a trip to the Amazon.

In 2012, I worked for the,,fr,webzine,,en,I designed and conducted a,,fr,ecological renovation,,fr,from A to Z in hemp concrete and adobe,,fr,I've published,,fr,I worked for two years for the,,fr,alternative magazine,,fr,mainly at,,fr,I took an individual training leave to follow a,,fr,complete training in naturopathy,,fr,followed two years of,,fr,preparatory literary classes,,fr webzine, where I was in charge of renovating the site and brought MORE ARTICLES.

In 2011, j’ai conçu et mené une rénovation écologique de A à Z en béton de chanvre et en adobe (mud brick). So I made a career break to learn eco-building. Henceforth, I master the basics of bio-climatic building, natural materials, ventilation, ecological heating, recovery equipment rainwater, ecological finishes (land, lime…), etc.. An exciting adventure that taught me a lot about ecological building, on how to carry out project involving many trades, the animation team, and many other things! In 2015, I handed it with a second renovation. tiring, but exciting !

En mars 2010, j’ai publié Toxic Company, Manual of Mental pollution (see Books open access).

Of 2009 to 2010 : j’ai collaboré pendant deux ans pour le magazine alternatif Nexus on health and environment issues. This experience allowed me to make investigation, further develop my critical mind and release my pen after several years writing for the general public press.

Of 2001 to 2008 : I worked for the regional daily press, principalement au journal South West, for several local agencies (Sarlat, Agen) then at headquarters in Bordeaux (pole society, responsible sections Education and estate)

>>In 2006 : j’ai pris un congés individuel de formation pour suivre une formation complète en naturopathie, from the’Institut Euronature, Member FENAHMAN, national representative structure of Naturopathy.

Of 1995 to 2001 : I spent my tank L, suivi deux années de classes préparatoires littéraires (Hypokhâgne-Khâgne, High School Madeleine-Daniélou, Rueil – 92), the integrated’IPJ, Practical Journalism Institute. After 6 months-West France, I joined the newspaper Sud Ouest.

In 1977 : I arrived on Earth in a bio family…