
These much more serious epidemics linked to endocrine disruptors. Corinne Lalo's shocking investigation

Le Tuesday 28 December 2021

The diseases caused by hormonal toxins are more numerous than we thought : allergies, obesity, thyroiditis, cancers, brain or genital malformations, and finally disorders of sexual differentiation. Autism is also believed to be largely due to a polluted uterine womb…
The transgender phenomenon, what does gender theory want to "normalize", could also result from abnormalities caused by chemical pollution in the fetal stage.
Corinne Lalo reveals that hormonal toxins are hidden in the majority of our drugs, like paracetamol consumed by 70% pregnant women.
While health authorities shine with their reassurance about endocrine disruptors, they focus all the attention on a paltry covid epidemic alongside this organized pollution. So we poison ourselves without knowing it ...

Vaccination : the hidden cause of modern epidemics ?

Le Tuesday 2 June 2020

The pro-vaccine media buzz ignores a worrying and documented phenomenon : influenza vaccination may actually favor coronavirus infections! In many other pathologies, the vaccine remedy would prove worse than the disease. This is what we will explore in this special covid-19 file.!

La dérive totalitaire du système sanitaire

Le Monday 1 May 2017

Qui peut croire en France, que l’on manque, de finances pour la santé ? Je viens de terminer un ouvrage édifiant qui décrit les dessous des dernières lois Santé, la casse de la sécu, mais aussi la nouvelle “dictature” des agences sanitaires. “Soigner ou obéir, premières mesures indispensables pour éviter le naufrage” est signé Nicole Delépine, oncologist, et Gérard Delépine.

Angina, constipation ou fièvre ? Magnesium chloride, a miracle cure to 2 € !

Le Tuesday 28 January 2014

What costs two euros pharmacy and heals almost everything ? Magnesium chloride ! Tales Fatigue, lack of tone, Constipation, irritability, les angines blanches ou rouges, la grippe, la fièvre, le stress, wounds, list of its virtues is long !

Cancer screening : double-edged sword for the patient(and)s…

Le Monday 12 March 2012

Get screened for breast and prostate cancer leads to expensive and unnecessary operations in a number of cases. Mammo or not mammo? Question the usefulness of screening may be shocking, but if it helps some women and some men to save an unnecessary operation, one is entitled to ask, not?

Silence on Cervarix

Le Thursday 15 October 2009

Pourra-t-on vraiment réclamer justice en cas d’effets secondaires graves après la vaccination contre le cancer du col de l’utérus, activement recommandée en France? On est en droit de se poser la question au regard de deux informations passées totalement inaperçues en ce mois de septembre dernier, les médias français étant davantage occupés avec la grippe […]

Papillomavirus : withdrawal of Gardasil ...

Le Wednesday 11 February 2009

The Spanish health authorities have withdrawn from the market 75 582 doses of vaccine against human papillomavirus Source : Published on 10/02/2009 to 13:28 – Modified 10/02/2009 to 13:37 AFP "The Spanish health authorities have withdrawn from the market 75 582 doses of vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) which can cause cancer of […]