
Freedom of expression and censorship on the internet : what citizens do not know (Nexus video)

Le Monday 8 June 2020
netizens Theo Bondolfi Nexus

How Internet censorship works ? Can we still speak freely without risking censorship on social networks? To answer these questions, I interviewed for Nexus magazine, Théo Bondolfi, general e-culture expert and main author of the book Citoyens du net.

Breast cancer : the lesson of mass screening and the collapse of a dogma

Le Saturday 5 October 2019

Not, breast cancer screening does not save lives contrary to what its proponents claim. This is why mass screening leads to, still and always, overdiagnosis and unnecessary medicalization of thousands of women. Why so much blindness ?

"Science is missing from vaccine medicine ! »

Le Tuesday 30 April 2019

Medical practitioner, international expert in cardiology and nutrition and researcher at CNRS (epidemiology and physiology), Michel de Lorgeril takes stock of vaccine safety and efficacy in a series of books. No real study according to current criteria, no real placebo, efficiency and safety that have never been demonstrated. Overwhelming. Interview by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

Gardasil, the vaccine that increases the risk of cancer

Le Tuesday 5 February 2019

Nicole and Gérard Delépine's latest book, "Vaccine hysteria, Gardasil and cancer vaccine : a paradox "presents a contradictory reality : after 10 years of vaccination obligation, not only is the effectiveness promised by laboratories not met, but the rate of cervical cancer would also be doubled in young girls vaccinated in these countries !

La vierge Marie, la femme la plus populaire au monde

Le Monday 2 March 2015

M and the third secret, c & rsquo; is the title & rsquo; a new documentary on the Virgin Mary. Shot in a dozen countries, this film offers a survey of the apparitions d & rsquo; a woman revered by Christians and Muslims. Quickly, l & rsquo; plot points us on the famous Secret of Fatima, offering another version as the Vatican. Interview with director.