Become guardian angels Free Information !
All those who support my work independent information through their donation sont warmly thank. They help me every day to preserve my independence.
MIMAJIT : actress and filmmaker outstanding, see also the support !
Son site :
GWENN SEEMEL – American painter, including painting moves me deeply.
It is a lawyer free art, copy-edit !
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Son site :
Matthew Mazzer – great defender of Net Neutrality (see this video),
pro digital universe.
Son site
Donatella PAVAN
Raphael DUNANT
While the general public seriously doubt the good faith of “mass media”, a new journalism emerges.
This is the time of the Crowd (= Crowd, people) : Crowdsourcing and… Crowdfunding restore citizens their legitimate power.
Time the 4th pyramidal power is gone, and this is good news !
I define myself as a journalist in the service of citizen emancipation.
But to do my job I need you !
Journalists fall from their pedestal, but we will always need “good” professionals info, because people do not have time to “our” job. Also difficult to navigate with skill in this ocean of data is the Internet…
Fortunately, on the side of “pro”, we are more likely to abandon the major press groups to develop our Independent Journalism, freed from censorship and therefore bolder, but of course : more engaged with citizens, which we belong. We are not above people, of such “holders” the truth… We are companions of democracy. We médiatisons information needed to develop critical thinking citizens, so they decide their destiny and… their elected, wittingly… But now we are seriously conditioned, as I explain in my book, Now open access (Toxic Company, Manual of Mental pollution)
My vocation is to pass high priority information the general public, these information are often hidden, truncated, overflown, déniées, those I have worked so hard to accept my hierarchy. It is urgent and necessary.
That is why, I decided to use the citizen participatory funding to ensure my freedom to investigate !
I chose the platform Tipeee, the Automatic tip in each issue of a folder investigation.
En bref, how it works ? You create a profile on Tipee and you set the amount of your tip to be me paid to each folder that I will publish (about 1 month). The payment is debited to the date of the file and you are clearly informed. You can pay by Paypal or by credit card (free bla bla…) and funds that I receive are displayed.
>> As guardian angels of free information, inou can submit me ideas that I will study willingly. You can also combine, allocate funding for an independent record, always via the platform Tipee. For any inquiry idea to suggest me, feel free to me by contact !
NB : If you left my guardian angels, I can also push your news on social networks or on my review of Web Scoop-it, do not hesitate to remind me by email, but also by private message (FBI, Twitter).
>> Visit MA PAGE Tipeee : Priscilla Ducoeurjoly, independent investigations.