Books open access and manuals

Toxic society, Manual of Mental pollution DESORMAIS IN FREE ACCES,

Toxic Company, Manual of Mental pollution

Toxic Company, published 2010, presents the findings of an alienating society for citizens. I called it poisoning 3M : media-Medoc-junk ..! Je try, in the three parts of the book, d & rsquo; offer solutions to clean our minds to better orient our action. Like many of my fellow, I am looking for solutions and practical models for a sustainable society, but it must be from & rsquo; an observation, not necessarily rejoicing. I always down doors outputs that go with what I am saying! I break, but I rebuild…

Click on the image to download the book.

328 pages.


Full symptothermie, ecological contraception Manual
(2013, then new edition 2018 and 2020, SymptoTherm Foundation)

As part of my work with the Foundation SymptoTherm, j & rsquo; have co-authored the new version of symptothermie Manual. With my experience of & rsquo; writing and my advisor Sympto activity, I was able to enrich and improve the original content provided by Harri Wettstein and Christine Bourgeois, the original co-authors of the method. I want to thank them for their trust and commitment !

Symptothermal method is a real alternative to hormonal contraception, for all phases of the fertile d & rsquo life a woman and she is also suitable for irregular cycles. Any method, synthesis of the pioneer schools (In the meat Sensipl) is unveiled in this precious transmitted manual and perfected by the founding SymptoTherm, a powerful way of women's emancipation and torque. The revolution of tomorrow, Peace equality, women's liberation, l & rsquo; demographic balance, will be made by those, instead of being seduced by synthetic hormones, win their true self through symptothermie, a method which also offers a new basis for the relationship as a couple.

128 pages (PAPER VERSION sold on Amazon).

Free Download PDF :

The link to the PDF manual will be sent to your inbox after answering the questionaire (do not leave this page during the & rsquo; form submission).

    Sympto Basic (2020)

    You receive the Sympto Basic, a PDF of 34 pages with basic information at your fingertips

    J & rsquo; have designed the ideal tool for all beginners with Angela Walder, midwife and consultant in sexual health at Planned Parenthood of Geneva Hospitals (HUG) . This getting started guide ( whose first edition dates from 2017) summarizes the major aspects of Full Symptothermie, the sometimes complex reference manual for a first approach.

    San Cristobal, Galapagos, June July 2017. J & rsquo; have organized workshops in Ecuador symptothermie (see this page) with & rsquo; support of this manual (available in English, Spanish, Italy – Contact me).

    The Sympto Basic also allow women who already practice symptothermie to check their understanding of the method from the four rules & rsquo; gold that I propose in Sympto Basic.

    L & rsquo; use sympto, Best Mobile App Symptothermal, is well explained, but the & rsquo; user can also work in artisanal fashion, without application, while applying the same rules of modern symptothermie.

    I will l & rsquo; offer if you train with me to symptothermie (see page Learn)

    34 pages – Français – PDF only

    Also available in English, Italy, Spanish (Contact me for me to send you the right hand and not the French version!)

    Price 9 €

    Bye Bye mycosisDo (2018)

    the best natural solutions to control candida, major pathogen causing vaginal mycosis. A scientific dossier with remedies that really work !

    My latest e-book, dedicated to women who experience intimate problems (a woman on 2 is concerned!). Another practical manual, this time focused on vaginal mycosis, and the fight against candida. it is the result of & rsquo; research work through the medical literature of these 10 dernières années. A selection of the best natural treatments that really work with protocols and recipes for each medicine.

    See also& Lsquo; article on this e-book.

    40 pages.


    Three other books in co-creation

    J’ai collaboré de 2013 to 2016 several works company (participatory structures in software wiki). All contribute to the positive information that keeps me both heart and societal transition. #changemaker

    Netizens : eCulture of general manual (Version bêta avril 2013. Version 1.0 June 2016. Editions, collection eCulture).

    Roots of the digital economy : the social economy in the internet age (April 2013. Editions, collection eCulture).

    Ecopol : Manual transition poles Community Ecology (Première édition, February 2014. Version 1.0 June 2016).

    It is in contact with Theo Bondolfi, Swiss personality of associations, I could refine my vision of another model of society. My recent work on books collection eCulture its foundation (see below), allowed me to renew my thinking around new concepts : culture Libre, information sharing, wikinomie, gift economy, social and solidarity economy, etc. ! I strongly encourage you to read the net citizens and Roots of the digital economy (Net variation of Citizens to the attention of social entrepreneurs). These books are freely available, accordance with the copyleft culture. They provide key reading to adopt environmentally responsible behaviors in the digital age. They also draw a new model of society, based on humane values.

    NET coverage CITIZENS

    roots of the digital economy - eCulture - Fondation Internet

    Focus on new business models in the digital age. A book to understand how social entrepreneurs can enter d & rsquo; internet as a formidable social wealth creation catalyst.

    Ecopol, Community ecology manualCe manuel d’écologie communautaire s’adresse à tous les porteurs de projets d’écolieux. Après un tour d’horizon des initiatives d’écologie communautaire à travers l’histoire, ce livre propose des clés de succès à travers un label, Ecopol, conçu comme un incubateur. Paru en décembre 2015. Cliquez sur l’image pour accéder au téléchargement.