Qu & rsquo; is that the NATUROPATHY?

I propose an analysis of entirely different disease, After my knowledge of Naturopathy.
I have indeed followed the complete course of Naturopathic Practitioner-natural health training, with the excellent Parisian Institute Euronature. I give you a synthesis that will encourage you to take a preventive approach in health.

Today, I put my knowledge in naturopathic health of women service, especially for :

Naturopathy, mETTER than cure, prevent !

Who knows naturopathy ? If the words "herbal" (plants) or "aromatherapy" (les huiles essentielles) sound like familiar terms, science encompassing, naturopathy, is not yet.

Yet, it did not start yesterday ! The naturopath, general natural health, art exercise to maintain health in the tradition of Hippocrates, the father of medicine. He not only knows how profits qu'apportent plants and food, but it is also the leading expert on lifestyle.

« Natura medicatrix », Nature alone cures, « First, do no harm », First do no harm, are the two Hippocratic principles that underlie the action of naturopath His priority will be to go back to the root cause of the disease, by following the trail of symptoms, all signs left by the body in its attempts multiple discharge problem.

"The microbe is nothing, le terrain est tout », assured Claude Bernard Bernard (1813-1878), the origin of the concept of "internal environment", in the tradition of the Hippocratic humors. He was the great contemporary and rival of Pasteur (1822-1895).

Pasteur is the origin of the concept of contagion and exogenous affections theory, that is to say linked to the presence in the air of germs. Any difference between the two doctors whose ideas gave two radically different directions to medicine. Bernard is followed by all current naturopathic, Shepherd by the current conventional medicine (allopathie).

Just as everyone has seen, in his garden, the foam grows in moist and shady site or a lichen Such fond of tree or that rock, so our body is home to some virus, bacteria or fungi if the conditions are met

That is why, apart from some purely environmental conditions such as asbestos-related, some get the flu while others crossed the epidemic unabated. We finally contagious than for people who have the same "field".

Contemporary medicine is still at the antipodes of this medical concept. She opted for Pasteur's theory that the cause of the disease is external, that is to say related to the break of a virus or other organism in the. Whatever the patient's diet, psychological state.

This dogma (now being questioned by more and more doctors), naturally led to the development of vaccination, considered the only effective bulwark against external aggression. The case of H1N1 us provides a good example…

The naturopath does not fight disease but will seek to restore the land, to restore the body's natural means of action, promoting the elimination of "toxemia", This accumulation of waste which hinder the functioning of the body.

  • What heals naturopathy ?

Almost everything is a plot of medicine that prevents serious diseases, as it helps the patient to improve the functioning of the body to strengthen its immune defenses.

There are no medical diagnostic, but a balance of vitality. Healing is taken for granted when the causes of the disease have been removed.

Quoiqu'opposées in their principles, complementarity between natural and conventional medicine could be ideal if one recognized naturopath to its competence in the prevention and chronic disease, whereas allopathy is proving invaluable in emergency situations (acute inflammation, infections that can lead to sequelae, in unintentional injuries, surgery).

The naturopath operating successfully, though less rapidly, but lasting, on recurrent infections (cystitis), migraines, constipation or diarrhea, sinusitis, ENT diseases, hormonal disorders etc.. But he will direct the client to a physician for acute pathology.

Only a physician is then able to diagnose and assess the urgency of the situation.

But emergency medicine does not yet recognize naturopathy, quickly called a sectarian drift, as if the idea of ​​eating well, to play sports and take care of her emotions had nothing to do with health ...

Actually, naturopath does not claim to cure, just give the keys to the patient's health, towards more autonomy, the gradual application of the principles of naturopathy, and their integration into everyday life.

  • How to find a good naturopath ?

They are not very many. They are generally found in several department or in major cities. Word of mouth works well in this profession, still not recognized by official medicine.

The school diploma has no value for the State and does not give rise to any reimbursement by social security.

Only a few mutuals (as MTRL or the Ile de France Family Mutual eg) have understood the interest for its members to become responsible for their health upstream, by practicing prevention.

It is best to choose a naturopathic health practitioner who followed the complete course of one of the schools affiliated with the Fenahman (1) (Euro Nature, Cenatho, Rousseau, others should integrate the federation).

These schools provide comprehensive training, with knowledge control, incorporating all the anatomy and physiology of the human body.

The curriculum is also rich nutrition. The duration of training is 1 200 hours, which is a minimum. In Germany, le Heilpratiker, recognized by the State, has a longer course and therefore more serious. However, naturopaths out of French schools have sufficient knowledge to support their customers on the way to be better. Especially since the choice of this profession usually comes after years of personal practice.

Currently, the role of health educator is also ensured by any other profession ! The knowledge in dietary doctors, Outside the nutrition experts, are lower than naturopathic. Remember that Pasteurian medicine evacuated the idea that food could be the cause of diseases.

The naturopath avoids serious food errors, repeated throughout the life, and supports, without interference or side effect, a patient undergoing medical treatment also. After selecting naturopath, the customer is obviously free to return. It is important that contact goes well, to feel confident, to find the applicable guidance.

  • What happens during a consultation

Depending practitioners, it lasts between an hour and half past one. Rates typically range from 50 to 80 euros.

Compared to a visit to a doctor, this may seem expensive. But it is four to eight times more time you'll spend with the naturopath, in the context of a personalized listening.

After the first key information essential to the establishment of a listing, naturopath will ask you the reason for your visit, further major events in your life, investigate your diet, ask about your mood, your sleep, your various physical exercises, but also watch your appearance, your body, your attitudes to identify your temperament.

This defines a first assessment of vitality, which can be enriched by other tools, as the iris (l’iridologie), in which are listed, since birth, the predispositions.

What is iridology ? An iris does not change, its analysis serves primarily to discern the strengths and weaknesses of each. Some signs may still appear and testify to an acquired condition, such tasks can detect intoxication or a psychological shock.

You come out of the consultation with a tip sheet.

The next visit is usually between one and six months later. Everything depends on the treatment and motivation. The first effects can be rapid, especially with Bach Flowers, but it often takes more than six months to restore ground deeply, including the balance "acid-base" of your tissues.

Several sessions will be anyway necessary to permanently acquire new habits, suited to his personality, and perfectly integrated.

Naturopaths believe it takes at least a year to change diet, see different people strongly attached to habits learned from childhood. Allow between six and twelve sessions for in-depth work.

  • How naturopath he intervenes ?

First by the correction of dietary errors compared to your constitution (innate) and your land (acquis).

The naturopath does not conceive unique dietary rules for all. If large food principles remain essential, each individual chooses his power mode.

For example, we advise against the excessive taking of vegetables in winter to a cautious person and fine corpulence. In contrast, they will be recommended in every season for a "blood", one of the four temperaments of Hippocrates with the nervous, bilious and lymphatic, that is to say a person with a tendency to overweight, pink complexion, who "always hot".

Lemon juice cure will also definitely inadequate in the first case (risk acidification), then it will act as a powerful detoxifier in the second.

Each person has a different digestive potential, each patient arrives with old eating habits that aggravated or not to toxemia and that it should be changed, slowly.

Again, human beings have different temperaments. If the "nervous" will respect to the letter its tip sheet, it is best not to overload the blood of complicated rules and provide supplements that can be taken at any time. Otherwise, our risk of dropping blood quickly. The naturopath fit his theories to the reality on the ground ...

Généralement, the health practitioner encourages and advises his patients in choosing organic foods, complete, season and from its immediate environment. Thus, to the market, buy whole grains in "bulk" to the organic store, find a baker bio, allow to consume healthy products, fresh, , without significantly increasing the budget.

Taking dietary supplements rests. It is not first but can be very useful in case of deep rooted chronic disease. Minerals, Vitamins, micronutrients, Essential fatty acids (omega 3 and Omega 6), fiber, can correct quickly land. But it is necessary that new eating habits are in place.

Plants and essential oils (phyto and aromatherapy) are also within reach of the naturopath. Concentrated extracts, tinctures, Herbal Teas, gemmothérapie (Buds), elixir, all dilutions (du plus concentré au moins concentré) qui vont agir à des niveaux différents, du plan physique au plan psychologique (avec les Fleurs du Dr Bach par exemple).

Ces conseils vont s’intégrer dans trois cures qui se succèdent par alternance : désintoxication, revitalisation et stabilisation.

La première phase permet de nettoyer l’organisme des toxines (grâce à des plantes drainantes, des diètes, et mieux avec de l’exercice physique), la seconde reminéralise le patient pour lui redonner son capital en oligo-éléments et vitamines. La dernière phase établit des règles d’hygiène au quotidien.

Ces différentes cures se succèdent naturellement lors de cycles. En effet, la stabilisation ne dure pas toujours très longtemps… Les excès de table ont souvent le charme de la convivialité, et que serait l’été sans les bonnes résolutions de la rentrée ?

  • Les inconvénients de la naturopathie

Lorsque la force vitale se remet en route, apparaissent certaines manifestations d’expulsion, nommée « crise curative ». Considérées par la médecine conventionnelle, comme des maladies, elles sont en fait des manifestations de la force vitale : écoulements (rhumes), toux (crachats), diarrhée (nettoyage des intestins), éruptions cutanées, transpiration (porte de sortie du « milieu intérieur » via la peau).

Il importe alors au naturopathe de bien évaluer la force vitale du patient : plus une personne est tonique, plus elle a de chance de s’auto-nettoyer énergiquement. Il faut alors des doses progressives et mesurées.

Inversement, une énergie vitale plutôt faible nécessitera de passer d’abord par une cure de revitalisation avant la phase de désintoxication, afin que la personne puisse avoir les moyens de relancer le processus de guérison sans risquer d’y laisser des plumes.

La médecine dite « douce », car sans effet secondaire lié à la dégradation des médicaments dans l’organisme, nécessite tout de même un savoir, une maîtrise et de l’expérience.

La naturopathie est exigeante avec le patient. Elle lui demande d’intégrer le fait que la solution vient avant tout de lui-même !

Il faut progressivement adapter son alimentation, arrêter ou diminuer la cigarette et l’alcool qui affaiblissent considérablement le terrain, comprendre les raisons de ses échecs, écouter son corps, son cœur et son esprit, ne pas attendre la solution miracle.

C’est là toute la difficulté : on ne peut que se réjouir de la prise en charge du système de soin actuel, mais il a introduit l’idée que la santé est un dû, que la solution (comme la maladie) vient de l’extérieur. Or, la santé est avant tout une responsabilisation de soi.

Si on est malade, ce n’est pas nécessairement la faute de l’environnement, du voisin tuberculeux, ou d’un mauvais médecin. Cela passe par une remise en question salutaire de ses modes de vie et de pensée.

De la persévérance dans le temps sera aussi bienvenue, car le naturopathe ne propose pas de pilule miracle, il remonte à la cause de la cause, ce qui peut prendre un peu de temps. Mais quelle satisfaction ensuite, dans la pratique d’une « santé durable ».

Copyleft Priska Ducoeurjoly

1. Crée en 1985, la FENAHMAN est aujourd’hui la seule structure fédérale nationale représentative de la Naturopathie auprès de la population, des médias et des pouvoirs publics nationaux et européens. Elle vise à la reconnaissance de la discipline, parce que la France est à contre-courant de ses partenaires européens : 10 nations sur 15 légalisent ou admettent les praticiens de santé non médecins. Tél. (Bidart, dans les Pyrénées-Atlantiques).