Being sane in insane : experience Rosenhan

See on Scoop.itPriscilla Ducoeurjoly

Psychiatrists are they really able to differentiate certainly sane those people with mental illnesses ? Experience shows otherwise.

Ducoeurjoly‘s insight:

Rosenhan's conclusion is succinct. Il écrit : “It is clear that one can not distinguish the sane patient”. A surprising that reports, This is no fake patient was unmasked by the medical staff, then they were bytimes by other patients of the psychiatric hospital !

Understanding of mental health differs across eras and cultures, as well as its definition, its classifications and criteria, recalls Wikipedia. It is estimated that a third of people in each country meets at least one criterion of mental illness at some point in their lives. According to estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO), neurological disorders and / or behavioral represent 12,3 % of the total burden of disease in the world. 50 % of the world population is supplied to suffer from a mental disorder during its existence, form of anxiety or depressive disorders, addiction to drugs or alcohol. According to the organization, mental disorders are a large and varied "mental health problems" - which occurs when a person can not "make, cope with the normal stresses of life, productive work and contribute to the life of the community "- which are generally characterized by some combination of thoughts, emotions, behavior and relationships with others considered abnormal according to the beliefs and norms of the culture of belonging.

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A commentary on “Being sane in insane : experience Rosenhan”

  1. tyler Flouzy says:

    What I understand is in fact all the diagnosed patients are false positives in one direction or the other….hey ben my cadets !!

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