My book, Société TOXIQUE, to get rid of the ready-to-think

PUBLISHED the 22 March 2010 and still (im)pertinent…

Toxic Company, Manual of Mental pollutionTemple of visual junk, veau d’or de la société « matérialo-consumériste », our Manichean TV often gives us an illusory and limited choice, between the worst and the least worst. No growth or consumption, no salvation… In this very gray and conformist world, the ideal of a better world (healthy and fraternal) is often caricatured as a utopia. « On peut pas cultiver sans produits chimiques », "Economics, c’est forcément la croissance », rehashing does it every day dreamers.

That is why it is fashionable to be resigned to the collateral damage of our collective beliefs. Funny democracy where realism is actually a pessimism.

We are assured, our leaders watch over us and we do everything to protect the plagues that beset us : terrorism, epidemics, social disorders. “Sleep good people”… The media, little disturbing, more like press officers, when they are not spokespersons forFear in its many forms (unemployment, pandemics, insecurity, etc.). In this generalized purr, the dissident voices struggling to be heard. Voudrait-on nous vacciner en masse contre l’esprit critique?

To distinguish info from poison

I suggest you download a summary table. To use it, it is very simple, sift through information you have received by checking the boxes : if you have more points in the Intox section, you must urgently activate your critical mind !



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    Book Summary Toxic Society, the Pryska Ducoeurjoly

    A radio ITW in synthesis

    An ITW video with Jean-Luc Martin Lagardette

    Radio interview with Bob tells you the whole truth !


    In this book, Pryska makes us live a formidable overview on behind the scenes of our civilization presumptuous; kind of shock to awaken our consciences and find the courage and lucidity out of the "brave new world" where we are stuck.

    The gospel of growth handlers opinions continue to invoke despite scathing denials that the situation inflicting and perils they accumulate as much for themselves as for the rest of the world is a sign of mental disorder evident.

    What is amazing is that we could, for so long, to veil their eyes to the obvious excesses and consequences of our choices in life, whereas it boasts a rationalist and scientific thought.

    The book is beautifully written Pryska. It testifies to a spirit of synthesis and a greatness of soul which characterizes the beings called to play an indispensable role in the evolution of collective consciousness. Clarity of speech, sobriety texts, quality of referrals, everything is presented in a lively pen, lucid, incisive and determined ...

    This manual mental pollution is a truly rejuvenating for neurons, but also for the hearts who really need to beat in unison in a world of hope, sharing and compassion.

    To consume without moderation!

    Philippe Desbrosses


    Farmer (Farm Sainte-Marthe), PhD in Environmental Sciences (University Paris VII) and writer, Philippe Desbrosses was responsible for creating most of the movements of the formalization of organic farming. He is also consultant to the European Union and project manager for the Grenelle Environment.

    About the author

    Journalist, Priscilla Ducoeurjoly, spent eight years in the regional daily press, especially in the South West Journal, for several local offices, then the seat, Bordeaux. Multidisciplinary literary training, graduated from the Institute of Journalism Practice, the author has initiated scientific disciplines (nutrition, biochemistry, anatomy and physiology of the human body) in the course of Naturopathic Practitioner Health (Institut Euronature). After leaving the "mass media" in 2008, Pryska Ducœurjoly is now independent investigative journalist, but also a consultant symptothermie. With Toxic Company, she signed her first attempt, synthesis of his cross experience in non-conventional health, ecology and journalism. She then co-wrote several other books, all dedicated to societal change.

    Foreword of the book

    Détox ». The term baby practitioners alternative medicine has become fashionable, not to say plugged. Many commercials we now boast the benefits of these treatments, not always given, whose purpose is to make us remove some poisons that our body is faced, despite himself. The ecological discourse has come to dominate. After years of scientific denial, it is now recognized that we are immersed in a variety of toxic with whom the organization is forced to deal. Phthalates, pesticides, formaldehyde and other intruders synthesis necessary for our body extra work in addition to his regular duties (think, to spend, eat, recover). Better than "Drink, eliminate! », il faut désormais « détoxiner »!

    It would be wrong to make fun of this new fashion. The "detox", concept also former, is imperative for his life because modern toxic have a tendency to s & rsquo; accumulate, créant de multiples maux et symptômes qui entravent notre dynamisme naturel: chronic fatigue, morning sickness, evil of, allergies, skin problems or digestion, many worries of everyday life that we try to hide using subterfuges. Cafe, analgesics, anti-histaminiques, foundations and other symptomatic ointments often simply erase the problem by moving. These crutches of life carry around a procession of side effects, not always identifiable in this, but always eventually show increasingly insistent. Le cercle vicieux dans lequel s’est enferrée notre société n’a pas d’autre issue que la « Détox »!

    However, there is another important parameter : Mental Hygiene. Laugh, flourish in his craft and learn to manage stress are the best allies of the immune system. And it is especially here that the rub. C’est aussi là que cet ouvrage trouve sa raison d’être: as environmental toxicants are now identified, as it is difficult to decipher the mental poisons that diminish us slowly. Misleading advertisements, newscasts demoralizing, sterile debates between experts gooders, toutes ces « pensées-poisons » font barrage à notre légitime envie d’évoluer vers le mieux-être. They prevent the evolution of society we collectively losing prospects hopeless, dans des « alternatives bornées », in the words of philosopher and sociologist Edgar Morin1, dans son « Eloge de la métamorphose ».

    We are constantly bombarded with information that pathogens, added to the toxicity of our environment and our chemical suppressants, significantly reduce our agency. Caught in the nets of a single thought, it is difficult for citizens to imagine a better world, Universe from a possible, a place both for the generosity and for freedom, where individualism joined altruism. Between the & rsquo; capitalist ideology on the edge of the & rsquo; collapse of communism and the remains, we struggle to reinvent a new way of society, où l’individu serait cette fois véritablement empreint de « liberté, equality, fraternity ".

    Temple of visual junk, veau d’or de la société « matérialo-consumériste », our Manichean TV often gives us an illusory and limited choice, between the worst and the least worst. No growth or consumption, no salvation… In this very gray and conformist world, the ideal of a better world (healthy and fraternal) is often caricatured as a utopia. « On peut pas cultiver sans produits chimiques », "Economics, c’est forcément la croissance », rehashing does it every day dreamers. That is why it is fashionable to be resigned to the collateral damage of our collective beliefs. Funny democracy where realism is actually a pessimism.

    We are assured, our leaders watch over us and we do everything to protect the plagues that beset us : terrorism, epidemics, social disorders. "Sleep good people"… Media, little disturbing, more like press officers, when they are not spokespersons for Fear in its many forms (unemployment, pandemics, insecurity, etc.). In this generalized purr, the dissident voices struggling to be heard. Voudrait-on nous vacciner en masse contre l’esprit critique?

    In this societal hell paved with good intentions, it is vital for every citizen to regain a healthy mind in a healthy body. For this, he must take against the grain roads ready to think of Toxic Company. If everyone puts, the social body may evolve.

    That the following are all pebbles to the chapters, as Tom Thumb, wishes to locate in the jungle of toxic thoughts. The least we can say, is that the traps on the way back to an authentic personal development are not lacking. La détox, this also involves and especially a cure pollution mental (or mental treatment), which this book is a practical handbook for the informed citizen.

    1« Eloge de la métamorphose », Edgar Morin, The World of 10/11 January 2010.


    sylvie simon

    This book comes well-to-point, while all the media tells us to clean or "detoxify" the planet, but without much results. In truth, as demonstrated brilliantly this item, intoxication exists at all levels, as physical and psychical, starting with censorship and self-censorship of the media. Pryska Ducœurjoly done here around all poisonings that threaten us and allows us to better understand the mechanism. It tracks the "brainwashing" in every corner where we do not even suspect.

    Pryska Ducœurjoly helps us to distinguish between what we believe and what actually exists. His book can help us change the paradigm, because only a holistic approach will solve seemingly intractable problems yet, as our official science will show a lack of awareness in all domaines.À time of globalization and standardization, the dangers of totalitarianism to come specify and citizens undergo a disturbing physical and mental depersonalization. Our governments impose on us a civilization in which those who "decide" key aim for the development easement entire population to achieve social stability for our always-well-imposed by the ruling class to maintain its domination.

    Also, I can only encourage reading Toxic Company, car, after reading, we can no longer live as before, but we live better.

    The summary of the book

    Toxic Company, Manual of Mental pollution.

    Au même titre que certains parents « toxiques » excerçent une emprise malsaine sur leurs enfants, there is a higher level of psychological manipulation:
    La « Société toxique », expression inédite, means packaging and handling which we collectively be. Selon Pryska Ducoeurjoly, citizen absenteeism that we see in elections is more of a general dumbing, it is medicated, food or media. We are intoxicated despite us at many levels: voilà pourquoi nous sommes « sous contrôle », under influence!

    Pryska Ducoeurjoly share three observations :

    1. We can no longer trust the mass media to inform us.
    2. We can no longer trust our health system to protect us from disease.
    3. We can no longer trust the food industry to feed us.

    What to do? A titre individuel, il existe de nombreuses façons de contourner la « société toxique ». To do this, the author unearths the sum of right-thinking discourse, under the guise of protecting us, are actually real toxic thoughts. Written by a journalist after the regional daily press, This book gives readers the means to decrypt (by themselves this time !) what is the info or intox.

    1. She first criticizes the intellectual laziness of the media, some of which, sometimes the most recognized, Attached are related to government press, hampered by toxins of self-censorship. Journalists are they now officials Info? They are in any case primarily responsible for the spread of an insidious virus : single thought ... How to recognize, through the jungle of information anxiety, healthy information (et il y en a!)?
    2. She then kills the Father of Medicine, en démontant le « mythe » de Pasteur, which would, by many authors, falsified his experiences and recovered the work of several researchers of the time. This is the vaccine dogma that collapses! It tackles the passage Miviludes, the Interministerial Mission for the Fight against Sects, qu’elle accuse de défendre avant tout le système médical actuel au détriment d’un authentique développement individuel « hors cadre », forcément mal vu…
    3. Finally, it unravels the current dietary speech, intoxiqué par le « toujours moins cher », et la fameuse défense de notre « pouvoir d’achat »… L’agroalimentaire n’en sort pas indemne : that we do not pay a hand, the reader will note that we still pay more than the other (yo-yo dieting, diseases of civilization, social security contributions and the hole in the safety).

    Among the many topics covered in this book, of the problem and the solutions ... !
    In terms of causes of ill-being societal and individual : consumerism, stressful information JT, media inbreeding, the herd instinct, the pub, experts misinformation, television junk food, toxic overload, but also pesticides, the trans fatty acid, Irradiated Foods, vaccines, heavy metals, le sucre, dairy products, wheat, Food Additives, without forgetting 170 GMO species traded and not knowing that we are ingesting !
    Chapter remedies : common sense, critical thinking, the insights, healthy information, intuition (and not just emotion or reason), la « détox » au sens large du terme (physical and mental), natural medicines, l’homéopathie, Colloidal Silver, magnesium chloride, organic food, Bach Flowers, not to mention optimism and brotherhood ...

    Not just another society is possible (it already exists in embryo), but it is amazing that the current model could take so long, tant il est le « signe d’un désordre mental évident », concludes Philippe Desbrosses in the afterword of the book.


    South West 21 April 2010 06h00 | By Franck Delage

    In his book, Pryska Ducoeurjoly warns against medicine and food.

    His "Manual of mental pollution" born auspiciously, foreword by Sylvie Simon and afterword by Philippe Desbrosses, fired 6 000 copies and available in all good bookshops and Fnac. "I can only encourage reading “Toxic Company”, car, after reading, we can no longer live as before, but we live better ", Sylvie says Simon, journalist and author specializing in health scandals, coming conference in October 2009 in the first film forum Myths and Realities Association, about the book Pryska Ducoeurjoly (1).

    Écriture incisive "This manual is a real mental pollution Rejuvenating neurons, but also for the hearts who really need to beat in unison in a world of hope, sharing and compassion ", for its part considers Philippe Desbrosses, behind the creation of the most formalized movements of organic farming.

    Pryska Ducoeurjoly has eyes that sparkle, filled for the first item, sum of topics at the crossroads of his own life paths. The journalist who was stationed at the agency "South West" in Sarlat 2003 to 2007 is now independent, specializing in environmental and health issues. She also trained as a naturopath.

    « Un cri du cœur » In "The Company toxic Manuel mental pollution" (Respublica editor, 18,90 euros), it addresses the various poisoning that can affect our body and mind. In this jungle of more or less virulent attackers and visible, it focuses on mainly decrypt media pollution, Medicines- teuses and food. Dense, the book scans, with incisive writing and a clearly structured plan, various topics such as trash TV, the too much info that kills info, ready-to-think, vaccines, alternative medicine, evil sugar, milk ...

    "I have a taste for health, says author. This is our most valuable asset. This book is a cry from the intellectual heart, a finding that makes connections between different subjects that can separate articles. We live in a world where knowledge is fragmented, cloisonné. We are under influence through a triple intox. We must not be fooled by the media discourse, agribusiness, medicine. "Exactly, this book is not it would add stress to stress ? "I did not want to book a toxic. When we see the reality, you have got où aller. The current company does not offer solutions. The citizen is only to find cures its ills. I always advance solutions that go with what I am saying. I break, but I rebuild. It is not sterile. "Throughout the pages, the author gives the reader key. "To recover optimal health, there are many solutions. Life is not too difficult. We must stop thinking that it is impossible, the solutions are removed. »

    (1) Pryska Ducoeurjoly is the guest of honor at the fifth Spring Book Carlux to be held Sunday 10 hours 18 hours in the hall with thirty authors.

     VOIR AUSSI :  

    ITW du 4 july 2010Radio here and now (3h30! for the brave…).

    The 100 livres de l’été dans le magazineLife is Beautiful

    le blog babebibebio

    journalSouth West (Sarlat edition)


    article sud ouest edition sarlat

    Article Southwest Sunday (25 April 2010)

    Health practices in May 2010

    BioContact mai 2010


    On media disinformation

    Journalists come to believe in the reality they
    produced with the help of news agencies. In the image
    policies, they are disconnected from the world they
    purport to describe and clarify. We can no longer make their
    trust to inform us. This is why more
    more readers lose interest, preferring
    Free daily, traveled quickly, saying the same
    thing without costing them a dime.

    Facing the media obesity, it has become urgent to
    focus, not on the amount, but on the quality
    nutritional information that we are ingesting.

    In our democratic societies, media plurality
    we maintain the illusion of a variety of information and
    complete. With this fascinating irony : la surinformation
    contributes to the dis-information. Excess media prevents
    not the media intoxication, on the contrary.
    "We believe wrongly that our country is a democracy,
    then it has evolved into a "mediacracy", where
    media who are supposed to control the political abuse are
    part of the political abuse ", Danny Schechter says,
    former producer at CNN and ABC.

    On drug intox liar

    If we do not choose the first approach
    natural, it is often through ignorance of its effectiveness,
    ignorance shared by the medical profession because of the incredible
    formatting of medical studies. L'ATAVISME
    that transmits medical promotion promotion is
    ultimately more toxic than chemical drugs
    (useful in emergencies), because this mental compartmentalization
    prevents us from seeing the range of alternatives to
    our reach.

    The list of side effects of the vaccine escalation
    diversified. Some are difficult to detect.
    From where does this come as chronic fatigue
    we hang such a millstone, in the morning, and which
    us exhausted life, to varying degrees, selon la
    resistance of each individual ? We are less
    less in full possession of our means, neurological
    and muscle, increasingly unable to react
    physical and mental abuse. Vaccines us
    they make, thereby, more manipulable point
    psychological view ?

    It is time to get out of our system
    health belief and free themselves from the grip of our
    Good Shepherd, where we have made a real
    transfer, the psychoanalytic sense ! This hero
    Fatherland was a toxic father for the large family
    medicine. It becomes imperative to keep us
    his authority to access the liberating assault
    autonomy ! It is in our own survival.

    Currently, en France, nobody seems to notice
    the role of "health educator" is provided by
    any profession, except by naturopaths.

    Intox on food

    In a few decades, agribusiness
    has disconnected us from the power of our
    grandmothers to make us swallow anything and
    make us dependent on its products. It us
    chained with its marketing and products that have
    taste of addiction. As the fish that entices
    after the hook, we succumb to the temptation
    without realizing that it is not food,
    but pure culinary fireworks that numb us
    small fire in the pot consumption (the
    "Summation of c ...").

    Nearly half of the French population could be
    affected by chronic candidiasis, degrees or more to
    less disruptive, sufficient in any case to attend
    regular surgeries for various ailments in
    first sight trivial (infections ORL, mycoses, troubles
    sleep and mood, stomach pain).

    The promotion of milk is one of the most beautiful
    food hoax of our time : not only are we
    to believe that it is essential for our health but
    we also hides its toxicity in the long term ... In
    our knowledge, we have become outlets for industry
    dairy, in defiance of our health.

    pollutes the soil, mistreats seeds and changes
    cereals to produce cheap food. Us
    agencies pay for the addition of this pollution by
    véritable indigestion !

    Fifty years of television packaging for junk food
    and frantic shopping in supermarkets, lead
    Today the serious public health problems that
    is known : obesity, cancers, CVD,
    depression but also, behavioral and deficit
    Attention citizens of the ... !
    Many evils rooted in a power cut
    values ​​of, « hors sol » et carencée.