La vierge Marie, la femme la plus populaire au monde

M and the third secret, new documentary on the Virgin Mary, offers a survey the apparitions d & rsquo; a woman revered by Christians and Muslims. Quickly, l & rsquo; plot points us on the famous Secret of Fatima, offering another version as the Vatican. Interview with director.

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A mainstream documentary about the apparitions and message of the Virgin Mary… It was daring in the land of Descartes ! Why such a film ?

Pierre Barnerias, journalist and director of M. and the 3rd Secret. PHOTO TPROD

Pierre Barnerias, director of M. and the 3rd Secret. PHOTO TPROD

It is true that the subject of religion has become taboo in France, but we are still in a country of freedom & rsquo; Expression, not ? A woman respected by almost two billion people in the world, the n & rsquo; is still nothing. J & rsquo; wanted to better understand the phenomenon Marie, d & rsquo; especially as c & rsquo; is a woman. Leaning on several cases’Marian apparitions, j & rsquo; have gradually resulted in an investigation that lasted four years, from revelations and disclosures… I discovered things I did not know then completely : l & rsquo; infiltration of the Church by several networks envious of his power, concealment of the "secret of Fatima", other "embarrassing" appearances… This work, I l & rsquo; wanted as objective as possible, no proselytism. I went with one eye "virgin" so to speak.

Why so few rooms they programmed your movie so that & rsquo; it shows quite extraordinary facts, worthy of the best-selling apocalyptic fiction ?

In France, can caricature the religions with the state's blessing and media, but dare to speak of the Virgin Mary, especially with a more caring approach, c & rsquo; is highly unwelcome. My documentary is totally against the grain. In parallel, I can admit that the formal aspect is unsettling because it blends multiple entries in the interests of universality : fiction, documentary and writing magazine. On the substance as : it delivers a message of & rsquo; warning from d & rsquo; someone who really existed. That & rsquo; one believes it or not, it shakes us probably more than fictions about the end of the world as 2012. Along With M. and the 3rd secret, it's really the big chill : « And if it were true ? »

L & rsquo; humanity she has one foot in & rsquo; Apocalypse ?


A documenaire turned in a dozen countries. PHOTO TPROD

As a journalist, My opinion is irrelevant. I handed the microphone to Mary, that s & rsquo; address her children in many places in the world and several times. Those are his words, not mine. In 1846, it appears in tears La Salette (Isère), displaying sadness and referring to an end of the world if the & rsquo; humanity does not change. A Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, c & rsquo; is the cry of & rsquo; a mother (then we are in full World War). The third part of the message of Our Lady of Fatima, unveiled in my film, is actually apocalyptic. As the Message least known of the convent d & rsquo; Akita, Japan, issued 1973 to Sister Agnes, still constitutes a serious warning. Currently, c & rsquo; is Medjugorje (Bosnia and Herzegovina) the Virgin appeared since 1981 such as “Queen of Peace”, sparking a major pilgrimage. The least we can say, c & rsquo; is that the Virgin moves crowds, quite willing to listen !

What are the public reaction ?

Diverse, they depend on beliefs and not beliefs of each. Despite some difficult beginnings, the film s & rsquo; gradually settled by word of mouth. Was reached in Paris 1 000 entries per week in one room, in Saint-André-des-Arts. This is huge ! The film is also asked to & rsquo; abroad and should participate in festivals. In Cancale where I was present the film, I was shocked by the testimony of a young woman who said no believer who came to see the movie for the second time. Questioned, she wanted to understand what had happened. This is the omnipresence of Mary in our lives who questioned. She was in tears. I was also very moved.
Other non-believers watching this documentary as a thriller, especially holding the final message : a call for peace, an invitation to a burst of & rsquo; humanity, we all presentiment, in a bad. But on the side of the Church, it does not please everyone, as I might have expected. The most interesting, are skeptical and even critical reactions prelates who have not seen the movie and especially do not want to see ! This film yet that give voice, first, a woman in question at all Masses…

Your film seems to pay homage to the last three popes (John Paul I, Jean-Paul II, and Benedict XVI) yet, all refused to reveal the third message of Fatima. How to understand ?

As the first world government, gathering 1,2 billion followers around the globe, l & rsquo; Catholic Church has d & rsquo; a single mesh that arouses desires. She is the & rsquo; object & rsquo; seepage from networks abhor any belief in God. In the course of my investigation, I discovered and the Communist Party infiltrated the seminaries from the years 301. I also show that the secret societies are less ! Masons soon realized two centuries the importance of controlling this world government2. In the corridors of the Vatican, it is undoubtedly become difficult to know which way to turn saints. The popes are they still masters aboard their ship ? My investigation lets just ask the question.


1 School of Darkness, Bella Dodd, 1954.

2 The Pope Must Die. Investigating the suspicious death of John Paul I. David Yallop. Bestseller reissued in 2013. New World Publishing.

A Jewish woman can she reconcile East and West?

Virgin_Mary and Jesus (old_Persian_miniature). Public Domain. Source wikicommons

Virgin_Mary and Jesus (old Persian miniature). Public Domain. Source wikicommons

The Virgin Mary is known 1,6 billion Muslims and 1,4 billion Christians (except for Protestants), about 3 billion people. This represents half of the believers in the world (including non-practicing), estimated 5,8 billion 2010 (according to Pew). Despite these figures, East and West clash in a fratricidal war…

Although that & rsquo; it is more & rsquo; importance in the liturgy of Christianity in & rsquo; Islam, Mary is quoted often in the Koran and the New Testament. The name is Maryam also common among Muslim. And for good reason : Mary is the only woman mentioned by name in the Qur'an, and 19th sura bears his name. Maryam, or Mariam, Maryem, the name of the mother of & lsquo; Isa (Jesus in the Quran), Thus the & rsquo; one of the most respected people in the Muslim tradition. She is described as a very pious woman, having reached perfection, Elect of God : “(Remember) when the angels said : “Marie cell, indeed Allah has chosen you above the women of all nations.” (Koran, 3:42).

In addition, l & rsquo; Islam and Catholicism profess the virginal conception of Jesus / & rsquo; Isa in her womb. Explicit mention of & rsquo; annunciation appears in Surat 19, in verse 20, where Maryam asked Gabriel how she could conceive a son so that & rsquo; she is a virgin. Gabriel's response ensures that Maryam Allah, everything is possible, and the virgin birth of & lsquo; Isa will be a sign for the & rsquo; humanity. It is also about the birth of & lsquo; Isa in Surat 66, in verse 12, that says Maryam remained pure, so that & rsquo; Allah allowed that life should be formed in the womb of Maryam.

Mary, among Christians, is more than the mother of 'Isa, she is also the Mother of God. A joined views in d & rsquo; other spiritual currents: Divine Mother, Gaia (Mother Earth), Shakti, it is for many the divine hand of God (which is the principle / creative spirit).

Five reasons d & rsquo; go to M and the third secret :

Documentary 1:49. With the voices of : André Dussollier and Helene Segara. The list of rooms projecting this documentary is available on: S & rsquo; it is not planned in your city, interested people can contact Production

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A commentary on “La vierge Marie, la femme la plus populaire au monde”

  1. GARCIA says:

    On the subject of Marian apparitions, see the excellent work of Thot Theurge "The Cosmic Mother and Human Evolution".

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