
Silence on Cervarix

Le Thursday 15 October 2009

Pourra-t-on vraiment réclamer justice en cas d’effets secondaires graves après la vaccination contre le cancer du col de l’utérus, activement recommandée en France? On est en droit de se poser la question au regard de deux informations passées totalement inaperçues en ce mois de septembre dernier, les médias français étant davantage occupés avec la grippe […]

Hepatitis B : stimulus for vaccination

Le Tuesday 3 March 2009

While laboratories have marketed the vaccine against hepatitis B have been indicted there exactly one year, a new document from the Ministry of Health is preparing the resumption of immunization coverage, in the context of hepatitis plane 2009-2012. Even though justice has been seized, this plan […]

Papillomavirus : withdrawal of Gardasil ...

Le Wednesday 11 February 2009

The Spanish health authorities have withdrawn from the market 75 582 doses of vaccine against human papillomavirus Source : Published on 10/02/2009 to 13:28 – Modified 10/02/2009 to 13:37 AFP "The Spanish health authorities have withdrawn from the market 75 582 doses of vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) which can cause cancer of […]