“Free” papillomavirus vaccine : a crucial point for parents!

Here is an overview of the papillomavirus vaccine controversy (Gardasil), published in the magazine Alternative Well-Being, in September 2023. In this investigation, I answer most of the questions parents ask and I update the main elements of the controversy that the media are careful not to tell us about.! As you'll discover, fraud is at every level, a textbook case in terms of health scandal. This is the fourth report that I have produced in ten years on this vaccine, and for good reason, it is one of the most dangerous currently on the market ! And the most expensive…

Since Then 2006, this vaccine has already caused a lot of damage and deaths, now visible and documented, which makes the promotional campaign aimed at middle school students organized this year in France at the instigation of lobbies completely irresponsible., from WHO, and through the French president.

  • Is this vaccine really safe and effective? ?
  • Why also vaccinate boys ?
  • What are the other means of prevention ?

A survey to share without moderation with those around you!

Many thanks to Alternative Well-Being which allows me to investigate many subjects independently for years.

headed by Jean-François Delfraissy since : Gardasil, the vaccine that increases the risk of cancer (Interview with Nicole and Gérard Delépine)

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