Vaccines : how the state hides the undesirable effects from us

Are the reassuring pharmacovigilance reports on the adverse effects of anti-covid vaccines a smokescreen that hides an unprecedented health disaster? ? The backstage of public data is very obscure. Guided tour

A survey published in the journal New Health, 121, April 2022, signed Pryska Ducoeurjoly


When investigating vaccines, it is very difficult to find data on the pharmacovigilance of these products, including common vaccines, such as pediatric vaccines. Adverse effects (NO) are difficult to establish or quantify, in particular because of the phenomenon of under-notification. Few independent researchers are interested in vaccine pharmacovigilance, probably because, like public opinion, they do not dream of questioning the interest of these “preventive drugs”.
It is quite the opposite in the file of Covid vaccines ! I found myself under an avalanche of sources, each more serious than the other.. We no longer count the epidemiologists, biostatisticiens, whistleblowers who make manifest a probably unprecedented health disaster.

From passive notification to active concealment, the reality of the data has never been so difficult to hide for the health authorities… And this despite all their efforts ! Here is my investigation behind the scenes of pharmacovigilance, summary of the work of independent researchers.


  • A turning point in the history of vaccines
  • A number of “extraordinary” side effects compared to other vaccinations
  • When Europe drowns the poison (Eudravigilance)
  • Dizzying US data (VAERS)
  • Faulty coding of severe cases ( + Pfizer Clinical Trials Analysis Report by Christine Cotton)
  • Correlations with injection date
  • Figures much lower than reality (the under-notification)
  • The US military speaks (whistleblowers)
  • The smokescreen of public bases (Independent Scientific Council)
  • “Advanced pharmacovigilance” tools
  • “Well-chosen” windows at risk
  • French “reassuring” debunked (Pierre Lecot)
  • Bases that grind in real time
  • Data confined by bureaucracy (Laurent Toubiana)
  • All-cause mortality : “unexplained” increase
  • A thousand and one manipulative techniques
  • Omerta on vaccine insecurity
  • Benefit–risk : that citizen associations reverse the balance
  • Infant vaccine : " Everything is going well " (ANSM reports)
  • When labs do pharmaceuticals (ROR)
  • Vaccinology is flu
  • Increase in infant mortality

A turning point in the history of vaccines

There will be a before and an after the coronavirus crisis. Vaccine promotion has reached a climax but it has also contributed to freeing the voices of victims of post-injection accidents, in particular via alternative expression platforms such as social networks.

On the Facebook group “Undesirable effects 7”, we can read a long series of sometimes extremely poignant testimonies about anti-covid injections. This is the 7th time this group has reformed after being censored by the platform (April 2022)… “Five hours after his first dose of Pfizer the 26 juillet dernier, my husband parked his car in an emergency on the side of the road and became unconscious with loss of consciousness. He could not be revived.". Elisa, 33 years, left alone with her four children.

To try to obtain the autopsy report and the right to meet the medical examiner, Elisa hired a lawyer. “Since she tries to retrieve the report, the speech suddenly changed : now, it would be a ruptured aneurysm that would have struck my husband. The fact that they still refuse to transmit this damn report (pretending to be overworked) is in itself a confession… » But for Olivier Véran, French Minister of Health, these testimonies would be fabrications…

However, this testimony is far from isolated.. Besides FB networks, twitter or Telegram,[1] citizen associations are emerging, as “Association Victims Coronavirus Covid-19 France”, “Verity France”, “Where is my cycle”, that report a myriad of side effects. But it will take patience to establish a causal link… 10 years after the H1N1 vaccination scandal, numerous lawsuits against ONIAM (National Office for Compensation of Medical Accidents) are still in progress[2]. These are mainly victims of narcolepsy, a pathology that, although recognized as a serious adverse effect, is difficult to compensate. The victims of Covid vaccines are therefore not at the end of their sentence!

An “extraordinary” number of adverse effects compared to other vaccinations

For having studied the figures of the pharmacovigilance of vaccines in general, what immediately struck me in the case of the covid vaccination, this is the unprecedented scale of the number of adverse effects (NO) reported spontaneously by doctors and patients.

This is of course to be compared with the astronomical number of doses distributed, unprecedented in the history of vaccines. It is therefore necessary to establish notification rates in order to draw a comparison.

In the case of vaccination against covid. In France, the ANSM report[3] (National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products), reports more than 140.940.600 injections administered on the date of 24 February 2022. It also notifies nearly 140.000 effets indésirables (NO), dont a quarter are considered serious. I did a quick calculation to define the overall notification rate for the Pfizer vaccine : 103 IS for 100.000 doses (82 EI/100,000 twos).

The number of deaths reported as part of the Covid vaccination is also unprecedented. In the latest ANSM report, following a dose of Pfizer vaccine, it is over 1 300 since the start of vaccination. This represents 1.6% des 87 591 NO reported for this vaccine. Rest assured that the suspicion is serious enough for these deaths to have passed the filtering barriers of the medical profession or the pharmacovigilance authorities to be included in these reports. ! However, the ANSM systematically concludes that there are coincidences or that there is no proof of causality. No deaths have therefore yet been officially attributed to anti-covid injections., which seems highly unlikely !

In the case of the pediatric vaccination[4]. According to'ANSM,[5] 38 million vaccine doses have been administered to infants over the six years 2012-2017. 1003 children have been notified to a regional pharmacovigilance center for one or more AEs. This therefore gives a notification rate of 2,6 to 100.000 doses, whether 40 times less than in the case of anti-covid vaccination…

Comparison with the H1N1 flu campaign. It shows a notification rate still higher than covid vaccines : 122 AR cases reported for 100 000 doses with Pandemrix, according to the report of the health authority at the time, l’AFSSAPS.[6] Citizen information quickly circulated, which contributed to push back the health authorities. Injections could not be imposed en masse, thus limiting health damage. But the share of serious AEs appears to be much lower compared to covid mRNA vaccines. " From 21 October 2009 the 31 May 2011, 4 957 observations of AE under Pandemrix® (dont 5,3% « graves ») to 4,1 million doses administered and 646 observations of AE under Panenza® (dont 12,8 % « graves ») to 1,6 million doses have been notified”.

When Europe drowns the poison

What about the European EudraVigilance database?? “It presents more information than the French base but it remains much less interesting than the American base, the VAERS, explains Laurent, website creator EudraVigilance does not detail the cases, a lot of key data is missing. We understand that the identity of individuals is confidential, but why make other information inaccessible? ». Laurent knows the ropes for sorting. On, it offers a clarified vision of the European and American bases (you can even read the description of the cases), regular updates, by extracting raw documents, particularly interested in side effects is more serious (death, pronostic vital). A big job for sure!

“EudraVigilance could do better, but she doesn't. It relies on coding software produced by companies that occupy a niche in the pharmacovigilance market. There is little competition and therefore a low degree of requirement, finds the statistician. Other problem, the cumulative number of deaths may come from countries other than those of the European Union. Everything is mixed up, which leads to confusion. One of the errors that neophytes make is to take the number of deaths as it is on EudraVigilance. I think only 10.000 deaths actually come from the EU + Norway + Islande + Liechtenstein ». However, the number of 630.000 severe cases notified as of February 2022 on EudraVigilance sends shivers down the spine.

Dizzying US data

What about in the VAERS, US Adverse Reaction Reporting Database ? Data-like rapporte 10.527 death and 70.000 serious cases since the start of the vaccination against covid-19.

This seems less important than in Europe, but the signs of the current health disaster are obvious on the site[7]. A graph shows that there were 260 times more cases of cardiac myocarditis and pericarditis recorded in one year with covid mass vaccination than for all the vaccines combined on the 12 dernières années ! We go from an annual average of 60 cases at more than 15,531…

Researchers Emmanuelle Darles and Vincent Pavan took a close look at VAERS data for adolescents. They presented their work at a issue of the independent Scientific Council (CSI)[8] on the uncensored video platform Crowdbunker. The comparison with the figures for other vaccinations on 30 years in the United States is astounding:

– death spike : all age groups combined, there were fewer 5000 deaths likely to be linked to a vaccine over the period 1990–2020. For the year 2021, VAERS records almost 9000 death.

– boom in hospitalizations : 33.500 cases for the period 1990–2020, but 45 500 for the year 2021 !

– increase in mortality among 12-17 years : between 1990 and 2020, VAERS had only recorded 130 post-vaccination death cases. In six months of vaccination in 2020, VAERS already mentioned 38 death.

We are therefore witnessing a unique phenomenon in terms of reporting side effects.. But let's not forget that the VAERS, like all spontaneous pharmacovigilance systems, suffers from a severe underreporting problem. This therefore reflects less a quantitative vision than a real warning signal..

Faulty coding of severe cases

Christine Cotton, French biostatistician experienced in health systems, did a colossal job of cleaning the VAERS data (see his channel on She finds that this database is full of errors and of very poor quality.. After having examined in detail the case descriptions with the help of its software, she had to revise the number of deaths upwards.

" Normally, this major event must always be mentioned in a specific box on the form, but many times I realized that it had not been coded as such by the people who processed the notification. This raises questions about the competence of the public officials in charge of these classifications but also about the reality of the resulting statistics., she says in a interview with the France Soir newspaper[9] that I recommend to you !

But the first experts in the "coding problem" are above all the laboratories themselves.. Their subcontractors are content with passive monitoring of participants (Ventavia and Pfizergate case), but they also tend to code only mild symptoms, leaving aside other much more serious side effects.

In his detailed analysis of Pfizer clinical trials, Christine Cotton thus denounced the fate reserved for little Maddie,[10] who is part of the adolescent cohort, severely disabled as a result of the injection. In the clinical trial report, his case appears as “abdominal pain” instead of “permanent paralysis”. It must be said that this would represent at least “1 serious adverse effect on 1131 vaccinated teenagers”. Something to definitely cool parents. This accident should not and therefore could NOT exist. I advise you to read the conclusions of this analysis report (page 100 to 109), to learn about the extent of the risks associated with this vaccination which has not been the subject of clinical studies according to the rules of good science.

Correlations with injection date

Christine Cotton has covered no less than 430 000 lines of the VAERS “vaccine file” as of July 2021. 98.9% information concerned covid vaccines… Beyond the reality of the figures, questionable, it is above all the temporal correlation of the reported side effects that could show a causal link :

Ddeath : 28% of recorded deaths occur within three days of injection, 40% within seven days and 67% dans les 21 days.

Myocardites et perycarditis : they appear on average 11 days after vaccination. 60% within three days. Many intervene on the first day!

Blood disorders (thromboses, embolism, hhaemorrhage, female cycle disorders, AVC…) : 80% within three weeks, 16% same day of vaccination.

System disordersth immune (auto-immune maladies, allergies, infections) : they represent 15% of all side effects. 60% arrive within the first three days and only 6% after three weeks.

Fetal accidents : out of 2,436 pregnant women who reported a problem during their pregnancy, 27% would have had an abortion or fetal death. 65% of pregnancy incidents happen within three weeks.

Since these July figures 2021 who were from 850 fetal deaths and abortions according to Christine Cotton's review, the picture has worsened considerably with the promotion of the vaccine in pregnant women :  the 10 December 2021, the VAERS displayed 3.604 reports of spontaneous abortions, miscarriages, stillbirths and newborn deaths.

In France, nothing to report… 22 February 2022, a note from the General Directorate of Health sent to all doctors deplored that 30% of pregnant women have not yet received a dose of the vaccine. " Nowadays, the available studies have not shown any consequences of mRNA vaccines on the course of pregnancy. (…) Vaccination does not induce an increased risk of spontaneous abortion..  It's probably wrong.

Figures well below the real !

The major problem with this type of spontaneous pharmacovigilance is linked to the phenomenon of under-reporting. You would probably have to multiply all the numbers by 10 indeed 100 since international studies estimate that 1 to 10 % only AEs are notified.[11] A medical thesis published in 2019[12] list the reports that, en France, confirm the extent of under-reporting for all drugs. In 1993, in Aquitaine, according to a study conducted with 81 general practitioners, alone 1 IS on 24.433 would be reported to the pharmacovigilance center ! In 2002, Bégaud et al. confirm that less than 5% serious AEs are reported to pharmacovigilance centers.

L’association America’s Frontline Doctors, a group of doctors accused of conspiracy by the mainstream sphere, estimates that the number of deaths could be 45.000 et non 9.000.[13] In his complaint filed against the Secretary of State for Health Xavier Beccera, it provides the statement of a whistleblower, Jane Doe, who testifies under oath, but under nickname (to avoid reprisals). Jane Doe reviewed VAERS and compared them to medical claims in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services databases.. The number of deaths in the 3 days of injection would exceed those reported by VAERS by a factor of at least 5.

The US military speaks

The Letter from the Strategists[14] and the newspaper France Evening[15] report a hearing report from Senator Ron Johnson on the subject of “COVID-19 : second opinion”. Five hours of discussion during which lawyer Thomas Renz, depicting three US Army executives, revealed data from the Defense Epidemiology Database (DMED). This system allows anonymous medical data of all military personnel to be interrogated remotely.

All pathologies combined, the number of recorded illnesses would have increased from 2 million/year before 2020, to 21,5 million for 11 first months of the year 2021, which represents an increase of 941%. The incidence of miscarriages in the military is also said to have increased by 300% compared to the five-year average. This explosion of identified pathologies occurred mainly in 2021, year of mass vaccination and much less 2020, covid year. The US military was vaccinated in 2021 up to 96%…

Other figures not mentioned during this hearing were entrusted to Senator Johnson who passed them on to Secretary of Defense Lloyd J Austin, February 1 2022 :

– + 2191% high blood pressure

– + 894% malignant tumors of the esophagus

– + 680% multiple sclerosis

– + 624% tumors of the digestive organs

– + 551% Guillain-Barré syndrome

– + 487% breast cancer

– + 487% demyelinating tumors

– + 472% female infertility...

“I think the COVID vaccine is a bigger threat to the health of soldiers than the virus itself”, declared end 2021 le lieutenant-colonel Theresa Long,[16] US Army medic and whistleblower.

MISE A JOUR / These astronomical figures should be taken with a grain of salt.. According to the statistics expert Mathew Crawford, the Defense epidemiology database (DMED) and the Defense Medical Surveillance System (DMSS) would actually be totally wrong (falsified?) and therefore unfit to produce any comparative analysis, one way or the other. Crawford published a series of articles on the subject, showing that the figures of the period 2016-2019 had been suddenly revised upwards retrospectively (in 2021), perhaps in order to make the side effects of anti-covid injections invisible. This shift could have a link with the itelemedicine data integration, but he still wonders about the fact that no explanation and instructions have been provided for the work of the analysts. Although it is difficult to rely on DMED data to establish % increases in morbidity, However, selon Crawford, that several manipulations were made, suggesting massive data fraud, and that the American army still has a big problem with a unexplained increase in mortality.

The smokescreen of public bases

These whistleblowers have revealed to me that there are many other databases available to health authorities to assess the reality of vaccine risks.. In France, Surya, a computer activist turned expert in pharmacovigilance, is very interested in these bases.

“Public data is not really interpretable. gaps, poorly coded, wrong in many cases, they do not allow any causality to be established. The only exception, this is when the same side effect occurs with each injection, during a multiple-dose regimen. We talk about “positive representation”. This is the strongest criterion for establishing a causal link in pharmacovigilance., assure Surya. In one of the ANSM reports, we have also seen the case of a man who presented myocarditis at the second dose Pfizer. Nevertheless, these spontaneous pharmacovigilance databases are mainly made to provide hypotheses more than conclusions..

“Advanced pharmacovigilance” tools

Surya revealed on an Independent Scientific Council broadcast (January 2022[17]), of which he is always a very appreciated guest, the real tools of “advanced pharmacology” implemented by the CDC (ITW d’Emma Khan) to study quality (as long as you don't skew them...). I also recommend his interview with Christine Cotton on this subject.

Here are the different types of studies useful to advance pharmacovigilance:

les “expected cases versus observed cases” studies. The cases observed must be higher than the incidence in the general population to materialize a risk. It depends on the quality of the data, extracted from non-public databases and not from spontaneous pharmacovigilance.

Des cohort studies on exposed patients and an unvaccinated control group. This can be difficult in the context of childhood vaccination since there is no longer an unvaccinated control group.. As part of the Covid vaccine, this control group is also small but there are.

The case-control studies. They are used to highlight factors favoring the onset of a disease by comparing subjects who have this disease with otherwise healthy and similar subjects.. The measure associates the exposure factor with a product, and not an incidence of the disease, as is the case in cohort studies.

The self-controlled studies (self-controlled studies). Only cases (the ill) are observed, for example by looking at the time elapsed between the appearance of the problem and the date of exposure. We can then materialize an undesirable effect without a control group. This is somewhat what Christine Cotton did in her VAERS study mentioned above..

“Well-chosen” risk windows

These self-controlled studies are of particular interest to Surya. "The whole question, this is the duration retained for the post-vaccination window at risk. Too short, the window can erase the risks, too long, the risks will be diluted. It requires knowing, more or less, the time to occurrence of an event, for example myocarditis. We can also study several windows to try to determine the most appropriate”. In the case of anaphylactic shock for example, the window can be very short, since this type of event generally occurs within hours of the injection. In the case of myocarditis, multiple sclerosis or Guillain-Barré syndrome, it will be necessary to choose a longer window to reveal a possible risk.

“The choice of the window can “neutralize the risk” in a purely methodological way. This is also an unfortunate trend of self-controlled studies produced by the American CDC”, explains Surya. He cites a study published in the journal JAMA[18] thus minimizing the risk of adverse events after covid vaccination. “The CDC chose a window for Guillain-Barré syndrome that was far too short to 21 days. All other cases occurring after this date (And they are many) is found in the control window. However, by choosing a window at risk of 42 days, a very clear cluster appears ».

Contrary to what the CDC says, the risk of developing Guillain-Barré in the 42 days following messenger RNA vaccination appears 10 times the risk after the 42nd day. This is proof of causation. Otherwise the cases would be evenly distributed. “I submitted a comment on the Jama website requesting the results appendices on the window at 42 days. The comment was rejected in less than 15 minutes! »

French reassurance debunked

French side, the statistician Pierre Lécot evokes this same little game of the French authorities with the windows at risk. Those who know him revel in his analyzes via “Decode the eco”, on Youtube. " In economy, we produce statistics to go in the direction of the current ideological monetary model, a theory fabricated by bankers. The same methods are found, the same protagonists of the economic catastrophe in the health catastrophe that is currently unfolding”, he confides in me.

In a column published in the newspaper France Evening[19] the 26 January 2022, the statistician reveals some fraudulent techniques of the Epi-Phare scientific group, governed by both ANSM and CNAM (the National Health Insurance Fund). The 18 January 2022 Epi-Phare notably published a study on “Evaluation of the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke and pulmonary embolism following the various anti-COVID-19 vaccines in adults under the age of 75 years in France ». Here are the manipulations spotted by Pierre Lécot:

– Epi-Phare tries to make us believe that its study is representative for young people. Or, the observation period ends at 20 July, when the vaccination of young people had just started.

– Epi-Phare only checks whether there is an excess risk within three weeks after injections. Any cardiovascular problems occurring after three weeks are counted in the control window group, supposed no-risk zone.

– This is hospital data only.. No statistics on the quality of the data used are revealed. People who die alone at home are not included.

Bases that grind in real time

For these independent researchers, behind the scenes there is therefore advanced pharmacovigilance that can be based on solid databases. Surya details them for us in the United States :

– patient medical records, Electronics Health records, but also reimbursement requests sent to the cash desks.

– the VOD (Vacine Safety Datalink) under CDC control. It is the best known and considered the most reliable pharmacoepidemiological basis in the world for vaccine adverse effects.. Alerts go up in 15 days. “His data is so sensitive that it is better guarded than the White House and Fort Knox combined! », lance Surya, who has never managed to obtain any document, after many requests for access (FOIA requests).

– Genesis Healthcare, a care network for the elderly.

– Veteran and DoD bases, Department of Defense base

– the FDA Vaccine Surveillance Program, with the Medicare database which can raise alerts in a month, as well as two other programs, BEST et PRISM, that provide data from partner organizations. The FDA is directly connected to these bases.

Surya evokes servers that grind and analyze the data for a faithful rendering of the situation with a latency of 15 days… “These registers make it possible to know almost in real time (near real time) the extent of adverse effects”.  Thus, since the 12 July 2021, an FDA press release, based on this monitoring near real-time via Medicare, informed of the risk of pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, autoimmune thrombocytopenia and disseminated intravascular coagulation, in people over 65 years… Strangely, this press release was not relayed by the major media. No numerical data was provided.

Data confined by bureaucracy

All this valuable and relevant information remains confidential, good that financeed by public money! But all over the world, independent researchers grow impatient and demand death data by vaccination status.

The scandal is breaking out in the United States. In an article from 20 February 2022, the New York Times[20] reveals CDC deliberately withheld age-disaggregated Covid infection information for over a year, race and vaccination status. Under media pressure, Kristen Nordlund, CDC spokesperson, admitted that the agency had withheld this data “because in the end, it’s not ready for prime time yet”.

Concerning the raw data from the laboratories, classified Secret Defense to 50 years, «a judge has ddecided that the FDA and Pfizer should finallyrespond to requests for access to documents (FOIA). Early reports reveal that the drug giant has compiled more than 150 000 Severe ARs within three months of rolling out its COVID vaccine”, relate le site[21] fin décembre 2021.

In France, a data access request was filed on the Senate website by epidemiologist Laurent Toubiana, Director of the Research Institute for the Valorization of Health Data (Irsan).[22] Its team of datascientists and epidemiologists offers, since the beginning of the crisis, an independent vision of the evolution of the epidemic. Unfortunately, the request was rejected[23] early March.

As I post this article (20 August 2022), the Ministry of Health still refuses access to death statistics from all causes by age and vaccination status. This data is obviously ultra sensitive, see compromising… They would allow to know :

– The actual share of people considered vaccinated by the health system (because for the moment the ministry divides a number of bites carried out by a population estimated by INSEE, Pierre Lécot explains to me)

– Mortality rate by period and vaccination status (to check if the vaccinated actually die less than the unvaccinated)

– The concordance between injection date and date of death (in case of safety, there should be no match)

All-cause mortality : “unexplained” increase

After the first alerts of general excess mortality in Great Britain, Pierre Lécot approached the Belgian researcher Patrick Meyer, of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Liège, specialist in systems biology and bioinformatics. The latter caused an uproar with a pre-print article[24] referring to increases in mortality among those under 45 years in Europe. For these two researchers, guests of the Independent Scientific Council on jeudi 10 March 2022,[25] "all the clues at our disposal converge on a link between vaccination campaigns and deaths". To confirm these observations, Here again, the vaccination status of the deceased should be known..

Here are their observations : 

  • There are more deaths than usual since vaccination campaigns in many European countries, especially among young people.
  • There are increases in deaths concomitant with vaccination campaigns. There is a characteristic mortality hump around the 5and day after vaccination.
  • These vaccination campaigns take place at different times depending on the country and age group.
  • These increases are not explained by the other usual mortality factors.

In France, the battle for data access has only just begun.

“While the State is doing everything to collect our personal data for statistical purposes, the least of it, it's still going to see if it doesn't kill people when hundreds of millions of doses are administered... Comparing the date of death via the Civil Registry with the file of vaccinated people in the VACSI database is a work that can be done in a few minutes by the DREES (Research Department, studies, evaluation and statistics) », says statistician Pierre Lécot.

Compare the date of death with the file of vaccinated persons, work that can be done in a few minutes by the Research and Statistical Studies Department

A thousand and one manipulative techniques

In the meantime, the health authorities maintain their vaccine promotion without complex, especially for pregnant women.[26] For this sensitive public, the French health agency refers to CDC studies to justify a favorable risk benefit..

One of these CDC studies devoted to pregnant women was deciphered in an article on[27] Effectively, there has been an increase in miscarriages, «but not at the height of the first deadly wave of the virus, only during the period of predominance of the Delta variant, that is, after pregnant women were forced to get vaccinated. Vaccination status could not be assessed in this analysis, confess the CDC. But this agency knows very well which women have been vaccinated. He just won't say it.".

Another type of practical frauded by the CDC is to group into the “unvaccinated” group people who, actually, are, but not completely... This is particularly the case of a study titled “Unvaccinated Los Angeles Residents Are 29 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19”[28]. The unvaccinated is the one who is still in the 14 days of the injection or for which the vaccination status is not indicated. Donc, anyone who dies within 14 days following vaccination is therefore considered unvaccinated ! A rough manipulation also practiced in France.

Update: About English public data that mentions the vaccination status of deceased persons, the intervention of Pierre Lecot at the CSI you 11 August 2022 showed the same bias: they consider as non-vaccinated people who died in the 15 days post injection, which contributes to swell the group of deceased unvaccinated.

Omerta on vaccine insecurity

Vaccine risk denial is not unique to the coronavirus crisis, it has been observed many times in the H1N1 vaccine, hépatite B, papillomavirus, ROR, etc… “Excuses and pretexts are always invoked to deny any link”, lamented in 2010, the Citizen Initiative association, in his pharmacovigilance report[29] dedicated to H1N1:

– or “the patient has an underlying pathology”

– either the patient is young but "in these age groups deaths are still expected"

– either "we have no more information on the case"

" In conclusion, no link will ever be allowed. That's right, the vaccine TABOO ! Vaccines being products intended to be intended for healthy people (who have more to lose than to gain), manufacturers are well aware that any revelation of death and other illnesses caused by these products can only very logically result in a drop in the consumption of these substances. »

Benefit–risk: when citizens' associations reverse the balance

Faced with the shortcomings of pharmacovigilance, citizens' associations try to collect cases of vaccine accidents and regularly challenge the authorities: 

Citizens' initiative in Belgium, created on the occasion of H1N1, whose site is undoubtedly one of the most extensive in terms of vaccine news.[30]

E3M[31] en France, mutual aid association on macrophage myofasciitis, which attacks adjuvants.

REVAV,[32] historical association founded during the Hepatitis B scandal which now includes victims of all vaccines in France.

The National League for Vaccine Freedom[33] who has been fighting vaccination obligations since 1954…

Many cases reported by associations are often unknown to health authorities. A study of theAFSSAPS[34] on the hepatitis B vaccine showed that REVAV had contributed to the rise in 112 neurological cases on 449 cases listed. This study deduces from this that it is necessary to take into account an under-reporting factor of 2 to 2,5 (about 50% only cases would be reported)… A factor certainly well below reality but which was already sufficient (it is the study that admits it) to demonstrate that the observed cases are very much higher than the expected cases in terms of multiple sclerosis. A signal that should have immediately stopped this vaccination, especially among caregivers for whom it is mandatory.

If the health authorities weighed their conclusions with an under-reporting rate, even minimal, this would certainly highlight many red flags. Taking this parameter into account could also reverse the benefit-risk balance of vaccines. This is all the more true since mass vaccination can create more virulent strains and aggravate the number of severe forms.. It was seen in many vaccinations like measles, meningococcus, pneumococcus, la grippe, the papilloma virus…[35] If we included all the risks, individual and community, in a 360° assessment, vaccination could be highly unfavorable!

Infant vaccines : "Everything is going well"

The reading of ANSM reports[36] sur les 11 infant vaccines, made compulsory in France since 2018, shows that the authority is more interested in vaccination coverage and the level of support of public opinion than in the risk-benefit of these products. All is well in the wonderful world of pediatric vaccination… “Analysis of observations of adverse effects of particular interest (EIP)[37] in children vaccinated in 2019 and notified until 30 juin 2020 did not identify a signal. A comparison of the number of PIEs reported to the Regional Pharmacovigilance Centers and the laboratories concerned between 2018 and 2019, shows a decrease (-30,6%, whether -22 case) for a comparable annual number of infants vaccinated. » (Second annual review of infant vaccination obligations. June 2021).

“The authorities make quantitative reports, that is, they compile a number of under-reported cases and then compare them to the expected cases in the population. It does not mean anything ! We regularly raise this point with the ANSM, Catherine Gaches explains to me, President of REVAV. The other flaw in pharmacovigilance is that it does not provide an exhaustive list of all vaccine effects. (NO). It is mainly interested in “unexpected” signals, the famous EIIP. Many parents find themselves unable to notify effects that they do not know. »

For the year 2019, 1,4 million vaccinations have been performed in infants and children aged 0 to 23 months vaccinated in 2019. 235 notifications reporting one or more ARs have been recorded, of which 35,7% of "serious" cases and 2 death, reports the ANSM. This represents 16,7 AE/100,000 doses notified (against 2.6/100,000 on average before infant vaccination obligations as mentioned at the beginning of the article).

“When we found out about rapport[38], we had before us two other dbaby death following MMR vaccine, confides the president of REVAV. The doctors had told the families it had nothing to do. But it's not for them to judge! We wrote to the ANSM,[39] but the inquiriesare not done. » Passive pharmacovigilance in all its glory…

When labs do pharmaceuticals

During this investigation, I learned that laboratories also do pharmacovigilance work, which makes sense because they need to track the safety of their products. I compared certain reports from the GSK laboratory with those of the health authorities to check the consistency of the data on the figures of the vaccine ROR. Again I fell from above.

Thanks to a FOIA request obtained by the activist Surya, I was able to consult a collection of so-called PSUR surveillance reports[40], provided by the laboratory (GSK, Priorix vaccine). The 17e rapport (year 2008/2009), most recent retrieved, mentioned 241 cases in France out of no less than 1,5 million deuces ROR. According to the laboratory, France revolves around 250 cases reported for MMR each year.

But strangely, 10 ans plus tard, while France now massively vaccinates with this vaccine, the French authority reports only 251 MMR-related adverse events for all years 2012-2017 ! In his report (page 28), concerning only the year 2019, she notes 65 effets indésirables, dont 18 graves. However, she says she takes into account the cases notified by the laboratory…

Question : how is it that the ANSM reports concerning the first two years of compulsory MMR vaccine only mention 65 approximately annual notifications, while the laboratory has reported four times more in the years 2008 and 2009 ? Would this vaccine be safer than there is? 10 years ?

This comparison should not make us think that the laboratories are Aces in terms of pharmacovigilance… In this 17th SPUR, les 24 reported cases of autism worldwide following vaccination with Priorix come only from legal cases of Spanish citizens against the Ministry of Health… Worse, in some countries, pharmacovigilance is simply non-existent. The number of cases notified by China in the 17th PSUR is puzzling : 2 case for over 3,5 million deuces ROR ! A safety record.

How could these international reports drawn up by the laboratories help the health authorities when the risks are so under-reported? ?

Vaccinology is flu

Lhe idea that common vaccines would be less dangerous than covid vaccines is still a widely held idea. What about the seasonal flu vaccine too? ? In a video interview for the newspaper France Evening,[41] Pierre Lécot explains that a signal of excess mortality is observed shortly after influenza vaccination (Minute 37). This observation did not fail to challenge me. I have already made for New Health several surveys on this subject in connection with the coronavirus epidemic[42]. According to several studies, there would have been more deaths in countries with high flu vaccinations. The doctor Michel De Lorgeril, author of the collection of books “Vaccines and society”, also wonders about the potential danger of this vaccination because of the phenomenon of facilitating antibodies: “Malignant influenzas have been observed, sometimes fatal, in the subjects vaccineand ».[43]

Pierre Lécot provides further details : " In October 2020, I observed an unexpected rise in deaths, very early in the year, independent of atmospheric conditions, or the epidemic season. I noticed this happening during the flu shot rush, a particularly massive campaign this year 2020, with an absolute record of distribution of the flu vaccine. looking at the past, I noticed that we always had a little bump at the start of the flu campaign, but in smaller proportions than in October 2020. There are other clues, like the fact that this phenomenon does not affect the Nordic countries which vaccinate much less against seasonal flu since the H1N1 affair ”.

Increase in infant mortality…

In February 2022, the media echoed a French study[44] showing a rise in infant mortality since June 2012 (after a steady decline in previous decades). I was obviously interested in it to find out if pediatric vaccination could be the cause.. Apparemment, this increase in mortality mainly concerns newborns under the age of 7 days, so they did not have time to be vaccinated. So I went to see on the side of pregnant women.

I came across a disturbing correlation. Since the H1N1 crisis, vaccination was introduced in this public hitherto preserved from injections, first against H1N1, then against the seasonal flu, from 2010, and more intensively from fall flu campaign 2011[45]. Could this have a link with the increase in infant mortality observed since June 2012?? A retrospective study of case-controls by vaccination status would be essential, but for the moment the researchers are content to invoke a drop in the quality of care.. Today, a second vaccine is recommended for pregnant women, much more experimental, that of covid-19…

There is no doubt that the covid-19 vaccination scandal will help raise awareness about the shortcomings of vaccine pharmacovigilance. " Three years ago, I would not have thought to question the interest of compulsory vaccinations in infants, entrusts me with an independent researcher. Today, with what i saw, I have serious doubts about the scientific basis of all vaccines. We see the same methodological atrocities and the same self-censorship in the name of the right to lie in the interest of the general public…”


More than ever since the covid-19 crisis and the strengthening of mandatory vaccination policies, the health authorities now have an army of citizens on their backs who are determined to do battle with the lies of the state. The revelation of data on the insecurity of anti-covid vaccines could spread oil on other vaccinations. Donc, even if the propaganda is still intense, we have never been closer to the collapse of the most tenacious dogma in medical history…


[2]     “Why have victims of side effects from the H1N1 vaccine still not been compensated by Oniam?, thirteen years later? » Release February 1 2022.

[3]    Tracking cases of adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines. Data from 11/02/2022 the 24/02/2022.


[5]     First annual assessment of infant vaccination obligations, December 2019.

[6]    National Pharmacovigilance Commission, Tuesday meeting minutes 27 Septembre 2011


[8]     Public Meeting No. 38 of the Independent Scientific Council of 13/01/2022. Channel The Independent Scientific Council (CSI).

[9]     VAERS Data Alert : “67% of registered deaths occur in the 21 days after injection. Published on 09/08/2021.

[10]    “Evaluation of the methodological practices implemented in the Pfizer/BioNtech trial” Christine Cotton. 11/01/2022 – Page 74 : Doubts about data quality, the Ventavia and Madeline de Garay “affairs”.

[11] Vaccine pharmacology, E. Autret-Leca, H. Cissoko, F. Beau-Salinas, A-P. Jonville-Béra, The Journal of the General Medicine Practitioner, 2011, vol.25, n°869, pp.715-718.

Voir aussi :


[13]    See “Vaccine Death Report” (Sorensen & Zelenko), septembre 2021, available on



[16]   « Theresa Long, US Army doctor, alert on vaccination against Covid-19 ». The 08/11/2021, France Evening.

[17]    Public meeting n°38 of the Independent Scientific Council of 01/13/2022.

[18]    “Surveillance of adverse events after Covid-19 mRNA vaccination.” Jama, 2021.

[19]    “Post-vaccination cardiovascular risks : Epi-lighthouse comes (encore) help the government"

[20]    “The CDC admits to hiding data on the risk and effectiveness of COVID jabs because it could be misinterpreted”.

[21]    23 December 2021.



[24]   “Impact of vaccines on the excess mortality of 2021 in US », by Prof.. Patrick Meyer, published on 7 January 2022 on

[25]    crowdbunker platform, channel The Independent Scientific Council (CSI)

[26]    Note from the General Directorate of Health of 22 February 2022.

[27]    23 December 2021. “FOIA Documents Reveal Pfizer Injection Caused Avalanche Of Miscarriages And Stillborn Babies”.

[28]   « SARS-CoV-2 Infections and Hospitalizations Among Persons Aged ≥16 Years,

            by Vaccination Status – Los Angeles County, California, May 1-July 25, 2021 »

[29]    26 January 2010. “Unreliable pharmacovigilance & other info: summary of our 6th press conference ».



[32], ex Revab.


[34]    Costagliora D. Etude capture-recapture. AFSAPS « Vaccination anti-hépatite B : Pharmacovigilance data and studies update » February 2000.

[35]    Neo Health N°100 – May 2020 "How vaccinations promote new epidemics", by Pryska Ducoeurjoly.

[36]    “The ANSM publishes a report which confirms the safety of compulsory vaccines for children under the age of 2 year old. Published on 26/06/2019 - update 11/04/2022

[37]    have been monitored : immediate hypersensitivity reactions, thrombocytopenia after MMR vaccination, apneic episodes associated with oxygen desaturation, transient bradycardia in premature infants after concomitant administration of a hexavalent to the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, and seizures, more particularly observed with pertussis valence.

[38]    Second annual review of infant vaccination obligations (juin 2021)


[40]    17e rapport. Biologicals Clinical Safety and Pharmacovigilance department of GSK Biologicals from worldwide sources between 28th November 2008 and 27th November 2009

[41]    See by the minute 37 to 43 from “Official Statistics, “forgotten” : did the DREEs recognize its error ? “Decoding the eco” debriefe ». The 15/09/2021,

[42]    « Covid-19, the double vaccine scandal”. Neo health number 103.

[43]    “Science is absent from vaccine medicine” Néo Santé n°89, 30 April 2019

[44]   « Recent historic increase of infant mortality in France: A time-series analysis, 2001 to 2019 ». Nhung T.H. Trinh et al. The Lancet Regional Health – Europe, 2022

[45]    High Council for Public Health. Opinion on updating the flu vaccine strategy 2011-2012. 13 July 2011.

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