Health Section

Attend the congress quantum Therapies (Biarritz) staying at home, through internet !

Le Thursday 29 November 2012

Everyone can follow the next congress on quantum therapies Biarritz staying at home, through internet.
With an unbeatable price : 35 euros for access “live” interventions for three days (30 November, 1is a 2 December), is clearly positioned in the accessability to all.

Guide 4 000 pharmaceuticals: AZT is really a “drug excellence”?

Le Tuesday 2 October 2012

Specialist retrovirus, le Dr Etienne de harrow, known for his dissident views on AIDS responds to the publication of “Guide 4000 medicaments, useless or dangerous”. According to him, nothing to suggest that the AZT molecule, recommended in the treatment of AIDS, either “drug excellence”. This molecule is even highly toxic to the cell respiratory system. The authors of the guide 4 000 pharmaceuticals “should explain” the reasons which have made them classify as a beneficial drug AZT.

The sun, this is health !

Le Wednesday 19 September 2012
le soleil c'est la santé

Sun care DANGER ! This message summarizes current policies regarding solar star, father of us all… He must beware, protect themselves, apply the cream at all times! This alarmist is not without consequences on public health, because it contributes to demonize the sun, however essential to our survival, particularly through the […]

Origine you Sida : track the abuse of antibiotics

Le Saturday 15 September 2012

If HIV does not exist, or does not cause AIDS, as claimed by the “dissidents”, what the causes?
La piste de l’abus des antibiotiques est une des hypothèses évoquées lors du colloque informel qui s’est tenu cet été au Pont-du-Gard.

Cancer screening : double-edged sword for the patient(and)s…

Le Monday 12 March 2012

Get screened for breast and prostate cancer leads to expensive and unnecessary operations in a number of cases. Mammo or not mammo? Question the usefulness of screening may be shocking, but if it helps some women and some men to save an unnecessary operation, one is entitled to ask, not?

Lyme : a new epidemic ?

Le Tuesday 28 February 2012

Many people wonder about Lyme disease, or Lyme borreliosis. An emerging disease that has become the specialty of Christophe Bernard, Father of Nutrivital. It marketed the TicTox, which has been banned by AFSSAPS… Network on Lyme borreliosis in France (RBLF) evokes an earthquake for the sick […]

Trop de viande imposée dans les menus de nos cantines scolaires?

Le Wednesday 15 February 2012

Cinq associations écologistes ou végétariennes ont déposé un recours devant le Conseil d´État contre le dernier arrêté sur les cantines scolaires. La place de la viande est jugée trop importante par rapport à l´alternative des protéines végétales. Les associations soulèvent par ailleurs la possible influence des lobbies sur ce dossier. Un article publié sur

Essais de médicaments : decried abuses in developing countries

Le Thursday 19 January 2012

India and Argentina, illegal trials of vaccines and drugs on poor, uninformed populations grabbed headlines. The laboratory Glaxo Smith Kline has just been sentenced in Argentina fined 400 000 pesos, about 71 000 €, for conducting vaccine trials so […]

Médicaments anti-Alzheimer : “on n’est pas passé loin du retrait du marché!”

Le Tuesday 17 January 2012

La Haute autorité de santé (HAS) a récemment suspendu six recommandations médicales. En cause, l´indépendance de ses expertises. Le président du Formindep, Philippe Foucras, plaide en faveur d´une évaluation vraiment indépendante des médicaments. A lire sur :

AIDS : Luc Montagnier largue les amarres

Le Sunday 10 April 2011

Luc Montagnier s’exile en Chine pour lancer un nouveau mouvement scientifique et fuir la « terreur intellectuelle », reports the website Solidarity and Progress In this article 3 April 2011, on apprend que “Montagnier, annonce qu’il prendra la direction d’un institut portant son nom à Shanghaï, to "work on a new scientific movement at the crossroads […]