Unvaccinated health workers have just been unloaded in this 15 septembre 2021. This forced docking is the culmination of a logic that has led our care system to shipwreck for several decades.. This year especially, the winter season will be dramatic, with hospitals congested by the multiple pathologies caused by an experimental mass vaccination, but also by a lack of care and nursing staff.
Titanic Sanitaire or the sinking of a system that has become mistreating
Le Thursday 16 September 2021Covid : “The vaccine solution is not suitable”. Striking interview with Michel de Lorgeril
Le Thursday 5 August 2021The vaccine industry has succeeded in breaking through the criteria of good science to obtain marketing authorizations. It enjoys exceptional status. In the case of experimental coronavirus vaccines, the freedom of industrialists goes beyond anything we have seen previously !
Vaccination : the hidden cause of modern epidemics ?
Le Tuesday 2 June 2020The pro-vaccine media buzz ignores a worrying and documented phenomenon : influenza vaccination may actually favor coronavirus infections! In many other pathologies, the vaccine remedy would prove worse than the disease. This is what we will explore in this special covid-19 file.!
"Science is missing from vaccine medicine ! »
Le Tuesday 30 April 2019Medical practitioner, international expert in cardiology and nutrition and researcher at CNRS (epidemiology and physiology), Michel de Lorgeril takes stock of vaccine safety and efficacy in a series of books. No real study according to current criteria, no real placebo, efficiency and safety that have never been demonstrated. Overwhelming. Interview by Pryska Ducoeurjoly
Gardasil, the vaccine that increases the risk of cancer
Le Tuesday 5 February 2019Nicole and Gérard Delépine's latest book, "Vaccine hysteria, Gardasil and cancer vaccine : a paradox "presents a contradictory reality : after 10 years of vaccination obligation, not only is the effectiveness promised by laboratories not met, but the rate of cervical cancer would also be doubled in young girls vaccinated in these countries !
Have the vaccines really eradicated diseases ? (survey)
Le Tuesday 3 February 2015Is the supply of vaccines to public health really is validated by strong studies ? According to two books on this subject, many diseases have disappeared in the country said simply developed through… raising the standard of living ! Investigation.
The former CEO of Eli Lilly (Suede) gnawed by remorse
Le Tuesday 22 April 2014John Virapen, 64 years, ancien PDG of Eli Lilly in Suède, Book the story of his career in the pharmaceutical industry. Professional confession motivated by deep, very deep remorse : ” Ghostly figures appear in my dream, Written by-yl en préambule. They beat their heads against the walls”… Elli Lilly was ranked 2006 among 100 first companies in which it is recommended to work by Fortune Magazine
Essais de médicaments : decried abuses in developing countries
Le Thursday 19 January 2012India and Argentina, illegal trials of vaccines and drugs on poor, uninformed populations grabbed headlines. The laboratory Glaxo Smith Kline has just been sentenced in Argentina fined 400 000 pesos, about 71 000 €, for conducting vaccine trials so […]
Vaccin H1N1 : the era of the sorcerer's apprentice?
Le Wednesday 31 March 2010PAR SYLVIE SIMON Le Pr Bruno Lina, à la fois conseiller de Margaret Chan et de Roselyne Bachelot pour notre dernière « pandémie » devrait raser les murs, car il porte une grande part de responsabilité dans la faillite monumentale de cette vaccination. Lui qui prétend être resté « indépendant » en matière de stratégie, alors qu’il préside le Comité […]