
L & rsquo; Sympto app soon medical device ?

Le Tuesday 9 October 2018
Un cyclogramme type

In & rsquo; s legal case that & rsquo; opposes the & rsquo; health authority SwissMedic, SymptoTherm foundation and its sympto mobile So just lost to the Federal Administrative Court and must become a “medical device”. For me, beyond the legal debate, it is an ethical problem. The question is : want regulating Sympto, that does nothing other than apply the rules that the paper symptothermie, do not send women to the laundries by prohibiting the washing machine?

Ecological contraception : free themselves from the pill, possible

Le Thursday 29 August 2013

La pilule, it is not a panacea. Fortunately, the natural contraception method has made great progress : it is considered as effective as the pill, is shown ! Absolutely excellent : there are also mobile applications to help women manage their fertility naturally… It is no longer a thing of grandmother : women initiated this modern technology can already calculate their cycle and know exactly what their fertility status strumming a few seconds on their smartphones. The contraceptive revolution is indeed running !