A survey published in Neo Health September 2020
The flu vaccination campaign has started. It remains recommended this year to reduce the risk of co-infection with a "second wave" of covid-19. As a matter of fact, the influenza vaccine is suspected : according to some scientists, the raw vaccine 2019 may have caused the global epidemic outbreak. Why, comment ? This is what we will explore in this article.
What if the flu shot had caused the coronavirus epidemic ? Ted Kuntz, President of Vaccine Choice Canada, dared to ask this burning question in a forumi published on the American website Children Health Defense by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. This article presents several studies describing the little-known phenomenon of viral interference. It refers to the ability of a vaccine immunization for a given virus to affect, for good or for bad, our immunity to other viruses.
"A randomized placebo-controlled trial in children has shown that the flu shot has increased the risk of infections by five acute respiratory illnesses caused by a group of non-influenza viruses, including the coronavirus', worries Ted Kuntz. It refers to the study by Benjamin Cowlingii (2012), which made a date in the scientific landscape, and who finds a special lighting today, because it shows (even if we are talking about children) that immunization against influenza with a vaccine may increase the risk of catching coronavirus.
This study is not the only one. In 2018, the journal Vaccine published Sharon Rikin's work, bearing on 1000 people, dont 68% of children, and over three seasons. It demonstrates the same phenomenon of viral interference with non-influenza respiratory viruses following vaccination against influenza, but only in the under 18 years. Funded by the Centers for American Disease for Control and Prevention (CDC), the publication reports a risk multiplied by 4,8 in children under four.
The journal Vaccine also published in January 2020 a studyiii driven by GG. Wolf on US military personnel who described a similar phenomenon in adults. The thousands of American servicemen who received flu vaccine exhibited increased susceptibility to coronaviruses (+36%) and metapneumovirus (+51 %). Many more studies (Kelly et al. 2011, Mawson et al. 2017, Diering et al. 2014) testify to the resurgence non-influenza acute respiratory infections following vaccination for influenza, mainly in children.iv
Interference controversial
This hypothesis that vaccination against influenza may promoting infections with coronavirus or another respiratory virus is battered by supporters of vaccination, who also provide a series of studies, like that of Sundaram et al (2013) or even Skowronski et al. (2020).in The first is marred by conflicts of interest with the MedImmune laboratory (today Astra Zeneca), the second is funded by the Canadian Ministry of Health but several authors have conflicts of interests with various renowned laboratories.
In the current state of science, the phenomenon of interference influenza vaccine virus along with other viruses, like coronaviruses, remains for the moment in the hypothesis. Health authorities therefore maintain their recommendations in favor of vaccination against influenza : being protected against the flu and its complications can help reduce the burden on hospitals and ensure that facilities are available to patients.
But all the same, this viral interference phenomenon appears more and more credible, as a study highlightswe English of 2019, specially dedicated to virus – virus interactions carried out at the Center for Virus Research at the University of Glasgow : "Our study provides strong statistical support for the existence of interactions between genetically large groups of respiratory viruses both at the population level and at the individual host level.. Our results imply that the incidence of influenza infections is related to the incidence of non-influenza viral infections ".
Researchers notice, for example, that the rhinovirus clears each time the seasonal flu peaks, then reappears just after. They document other phenomena of complex interactions, some viruses acting simultaneously, others to the opposite. Coronaviruses thus seem to act in synchronization with the adenovirus, parainfluenza and respiratory syncytial virus. This article mainly illustrates our ignorance of the multiple viral interactions, at the individual or community level.
We therefore legitimately wonder if the influenza protection attributed to the vaccine does not penalize the group immunity acquired naturally because of virus-virus interference. A vaccine against generalized seasonal influenza may well help disrupt the natural response to a virus and allow the circulation of other non-influenza viruses..
Troubling study brazilian
As the flu vaccination is about to restart, a brazilian studyvii (and Switzerland) falls at the right time to feed the pro-vaccine argument. Published in pre-print on the MedRxiv website (so for now without peer review), she argues that patients who have received the last influenza vaccine have on average 8% of chances in less requiring intensive care treatment, 18% fewer chances require invasive respiratory support and 17% fewer chances of deceased (at the 10-18 years). Note that the less than 18 years do not represent than 2% of the cohort and are the least vaccinated, unlike the older ones, who ultimately did, according to the study, what 3% benefit in terms of mortality.
This is a type study “Big Data” (a technique of very blasted analysis of famous Didier Raoult)viii. It relates to 90 000 cases passed into the hands of Brazilian health centers. The cohort counts on average 30% people vaccinated against influenza in 2020. It mostly displays 47% of deceased, dont 15% in the under 10 years, which is huge and does not reflect not the situation in the general population. Finally, 66% cases had co-morbidities. Brief, difficult to trust this study. But we can however note that it supports the concept of viral interference, this time for the benefit of vaccination.
More mortality in highly vaccinated countries ?
European Union flu vaccination figures and coronavirus deaths appear to contradict Brazilian study. This is what two British personalities point out, Niall McCrae et David Kurten, in a column published on evidencenotfear.com.ix One is a researcher, the other politician. Using national registers, they compared vaccination rates and coronavirus death rates.
" Despite some contrary cases, it is interesting to note that countries with the highest death rates are Belgium, Spain, Italy, the UK, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Ireland and the United States, all having vaccinated at least half of their elderly population against influenza. Denmark and Germany, with less use of the vaccine against influenza, have significantly lower Covid-19 mortality. Of course, correlation is not causation, and the disproportionate number of deaths of Covid-19 could be explained by other factors. (…) Cependant, the cause of mortality due to Covid-19 is probably multifactorial and the vaccine against influenza should be considered as part of a post-mortem investigation more on this pandemic ". Among the notable exceptions, South Korea and New Zealand, highly vaccinated, which have a much higher death rate low, but who were also distinguished by a good care different from patients.
To confirm this hypothesis, "It would be interesting to know how many deaths attributed to COVID-19 have occurred in people vaccinated with the influenza vaccine in recent years", explains Ted Kuntz for his part, president of the Vaccine Choice association. This is indeed a crucial question that deserves an in-depth retrospective study.. An idea for Didier Raoult and his cohort of 4000 patients?
Two other studies also suspect influenza vaccine to worsen covid mortality
[Update, October 2020] Pending, another study, mexican, published on the Researchgate website (see l’study), shows this same correlation in the elderly: the more they were vaccinated against the flu, the higher their risk of dying from covid-19. Epidemiology is not causation, certainly, and this is a big data type study, complex, with many abbreviations, and which deserves to be deciphered more deeply. Notice to scientific decoders!
A other study is interested in this hypothesis. Published in June 2020 on the pre-print site papers.ssrn.com (therefore not peer reviewed), it was performed by Evidence-based medicine, public health and environmental toxicology consortium (EBMPHET). The consortium compared the vaccination coverage rate among the elderly (≥ 65 years) and the risk of infection with Covid-19 and the severity of the disease, in Europe and the United States. She concludes that the vaccine may worsen the severity of symptoms.
The scientific battle begins to rage around this question, with also studies which suggest on the contrary a protective effect of the vaccine. For example, this study carried out with the staff of a Dutch hospital. “The authors found that SARS-CoV-2 infection was less common in Dutch hospital workers who had been vaccinated against influenza during the winter season 2019/2020. However, they underline a limitation of this study, the existence of a confounding factor : employees who developed SARS-CoV-2 had more direct contact with patients“, comments on the site Esane, which also cites two other Italian studies in this sense.
My conclusion, we must apply the precautionary principle of Hippocrates, “First do no harm”, and refrain from such a Russian vaccine roulette ! This is what Aimsib suggests, association for benevolent medicine, composed of several doctors, in his article “Influenza vaccine and facilitation of antibody infection”, from the pen of Emma Kahn, the 27 Sep 2020.
Read also…
Deaths after flu shots continue to rise in South Korea. But as local health officials work to calm worried citizens by denying a link between the two, an Asian country took the precautionary measure of suspending two vaccines given to people who died later.
Singapore has temporarily withdrawn its support for SKYCellflu Quadrivalent from SK Bioscience and VaxigripTetra from Sanofi Pasteur, the Ministry of Health announced on Sunday . Among the seven brands administered to the deceased in South Korea, these two are the only ones also available in Singapore.
What if that was all just the flu ?
As we publish, no studies have been produced to define the proportion of coronavirus and influenza viruses in the 2019–2020 epidemic.
Public Health France, contacted by us, explains that she does not have final data on seasonal flu this year. As in the majority of European countries,x we quickly stopped counting deaths from seasonal flu in favor of deaths from Covid-19. Seasonal flu makes 60.000 deaths per year in Europe. Or, en France, this year, we count less than a hundred… Not very consistent (see my article : Seasonal flu has been found). Especially the flu 2019-2020 was announced as severe by the WHO, who even changed the composition of vaccine strains at the last minute.xi
Another important point, the majority of PCR tests have been directed to test for covid-19 and no longer, as is the case every year, influenza virus strains.
We also know that PCR tests are not enough specific to avoid interference with influenza viruses. It's a known phenomenon. That is why, when looking for the presence of viruses flu-free, scientific studies do not support the tests carried out in the 14 days after an influenza vaccination.
The reliability of the tests remains in any case a real problem, as we have already documented in May 2020 in an article available on the Néo Santé website.xii More recently, three researchersxiii English published the results of their research in the scientific literature devoted to PCR tests for Covid-19 : "PCR results per se are unlikely to predict viral culture from human samples. Insufficient attention has been paid to the relationship between PCR results and disease. The relationship with infectiousness is unclear and more data is needed on this”. In other words, if you have had a severe seasonal flu this year or if you have been vaccinated against the flu, you can test positive for Covid-19 (and return to quarantine ...).
There is nothing to formally assert that the epidemic that we have known is only an epidemic linked to the coronavirus. On the other hand, the vaccine 2019-2020 may also have contributed to the global epidemic outbreak. he there is a precedent documented by scientific studies : H1N1 influenza 2009. "Canadiansxiv (Skowronski et al. 2010) showed, from several cumulative studies (of variable quality) than people who had received a flu shot inactivated trivalent in 2008-2009 (to guard against seasonal flu) had a higher risk (of 40 % to 250 % depending on studies) to be infected with pandemic A / H1N1 virus compared to non-vaccinated, reflecting a post-vaccination weakening of the immune system ", remember Michel De Lorgeril, doctor and researcher, author of a collection of books on vaccines.xv
Individual immunity versus group immunity
This study by Skowronski in 2010 raised a lot of controversy. It now supports the hypothesis that the influenza vaccination may have caused a more severe epidemic this year. For Skowronski et al., it may be due, among other hypotheses, a lack of cross-immunity to influenza virus variants in vaccine recipients. This cross immunity is the result of natural immunization, no vaccine immunization, recognized as much more limited.
Another articlexvi paru en 2009 in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, corroborates this phenomenon and states that it can also penalize the immunity of group, that is, our community resistance to pandemic strains. The Dutch team call the vaccination a "double-edged sword" because natural influenza contamination confers "broader" immunity to with regard to later forms of the virus.
The concept of vaccines “altruistic” is now called into question. It turns out that the vaccination of part of the population can paradoxically encourage the emergence of new epidemicsxvii. This is called community toxicity (voir mon inquiry about it).
The original antigenic sin
Another little-known phenomenon, but still well documented by research, may have contributed to the epidemic outbreak following influenza vaccination. It's about “original antigenic sin” And some “facilitator antibodies”, discovered by Halsteadxviii in Dengue disease. To summarize simply, a first infection with a virus can trigger a normal immune response, but a second infection can trigger a severe immune reaction and cytokine stormxix (or immune storm). Original antigenic sin refers to the propensity of the immune system to only target a specific antigen, the one linked to the original infection, while the antibodies “facilitators” (antibody-dependent enhancement, ADE in English)xx are responsible for the runaway immune system. This is a phenomenon that has been widely documented with vaccination.xxi
«When immunologists speak for coronavirus vaccine research, the spectrum of so-called antibodies “facilitants” immediately gives rise to a thrill of anxiety. (…) Of facilitating antibodies have been identified in dengue, la grippe, the infection by HIV / AIDS, Ebola and ... SARS, inter alia. In SARS, it's only 8 years after the episode of 2003 that these antibodies have been demonstrated ", explains Stéphane Korsia-Meffre, on the Vidal.fr website, in an articlexxii instructive devoted in search of the anti-covid vaccine (which I highly recommend to you reading)
Until now, facilitator antibodies (so-called non-neutralizing) are largely responsible for the failure of the coronavirus vaccination, SARS or MERS. They are the pet peeve of some vaccines like whooping cough. A study of 2019 reports as well as "All children who were first immunized with DTaP vaccines (diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, marketed in the USA since 1997, ed) will be more susceptible to pertussis throughout their life, there is no easy way to decrease this increased sensitivity " when they encounter the virus afterwards.xxiii A real original vaccine sin!
Another study by 2018,xxiv of the Biomedical Research Center of the University of Qatar, is particularly interested in influenza, coronavirus or respiratory syncytial virus. It lists a whole series of studies that, in animals or humans, shows that vaccination can cause a more severe reaction to a second infection, especially when faced with a variant of the strain used in the vaccine. The debate is in any case at the heart of the concerns of laboratories looking for an anti-covid vaccine solution ...xxv
[update] Besides, Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, phase 3 clinical study, already have to deal with a significant number of volunteers suffering from symptoms of COVID-19, worsening with the 2nd injection, as summarized by this article published on TheVaccineReaction.org. Brief, the cloud of facilitating antibodies and its storm of cytokines will most likely weigh on the heads of future vaccinated against the coronavirus. “The first dose is no big deal. But the second dose will definitely knock you out for the day.. ... You will have to take a day off”, said a guinea pig from the vaccine experiment at New York Post. Another participant said he suffered from intense flu-like symptoms after his second injection which made him tremble so hard he cracked a tooth…
An anti-flu cocktail 2019 rather experimental ...
The last campaign (or the previous ones) influenza vaccination could therefore have made the population more susceptible to another strain of seasonal influenza, like Skowronski et al (2010) have documented it for H1N1 flu from 2009. This hypothesis is unfortunately far from being an anti-vaccine fad. Especially since the cytokine storm reported by practitioners in the epidemic attributed to the coronavirus is also a signature of the dreaded facilitator antibodies.
The vaccine cocktail 2019-2020 at has undergone significant changes. In addition to the strains used which change every year and can induce specific immune reactions unknown, the culture medium has been changed in some preparations marketed in 2019. Great Britain and Italy, who paid a heavy price tribute to the epidemic, have experienced Flucelvax Tetra, influenza vaccine seasonal cultured for the first time on canine kidney cells (and not on embryonated chicken eggs). It was licensed in Europe early 2019. This vaccine will also be available in France for the season 2020-2021, according to the site www.mesvaccins.net.
However, there is no data available regarding the concomitant administration of Flucelvax Tetra with other vaccines. And “the safety of Flucelvax Tetra has not been evaluated in special populations such as immunocompromised individuals, the women pregnant or breastfeeding as well as children with the most at risk of complications from the flu”, says Haute French Health Authority.
This vaccine is adjuvant-free (as tetravalent influenza vaccines in France, Influvax mite, and Vaxigrip), but this is not the case everywhere in the world. Some vaccines (whether they are from culture on chicken eggs or canine cells) contain squalene (Chiromas vaccine in Spain, Fluad in Canada), the other thimerosal / mercury (Afluria vaccine, in Spain, Agriflu and Flucelvax Quad in Canada). These two adjuvants are strongly suspected of inducing dangerous side effects.
According to Dr de Lorgeril, beyond toxicity at the individual influenza vaccines (whose clinical efficacy is not demonstrated, he recalls),xxvi multiple effects have been described community adversaries (or “societal toxicity”). Before succumbing to the seasonal booster shot, I recommend his book to be published in October 2020, specially dedicated to influenza vaccines.xxvii Michel De Lorgeril also returns the studies that document the phenomena viral interference after a flu shot.
In brief, annual influenza vaccination, for which half of the western population is vaccinated were able to, Firstly, promote the emergence of pandemic strains (influenza or other) and, on the other hand, weaken our capacity for group immune resistance. A hypothesis to be seriously considered while the promotion of influenza vaccination is back, like every year in October.
Thanks to Yves Rasir, director of the publication of Néo Santé, for his kind permission to reproduce this survey.
i Is There a Relationship Between Influenza Vaccination and COVID-19 Mortality?, 18 juin 2020. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/
ii Cowling BJ, Fang VJ, Nishiura H, et al. Increased risk of noninfluenza respiratory virus infections associated with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine.Clin Infect Dis. 2012.
iii Wolff GG. Vaccination against influenza and respiratory virus interference among hospital staff Ministry of Defense during influenza season 2017-2018. Vaccine 2020
iv Pentagon Study: Flu Shot Raises Risk of Coronavirus by 36% (and Other Supporting Studies), 16 April 2020, https://childrenshealthdefense.org/
in Sundaram et al. (2013) Influenza Vaccination Is Not Associated With Detection of Noninfluenza Respiratory Viruses in Seasonal Studies of Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness. Clinical Infectious Diseases.
Skowronski et al. (2020) Influenza vaccine does not increase the risk of coronavirus or other non-influenza respiratory viruses: retrospective analysis from Canada, 2010-11 to 2016-17. Clinical Infectious Diseases.
we Nickbakhsh Sema et al. Virus-virus interactions impact the population dynamics of influenza and the common cold. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2019.
vii Inactivated trivalent influenza vaccine is associated with lower mortality among Covid-19 patients in Brazil. Guenther Fink et al. medRxiv 2020
viii Professor Raoult criticizes the use of Big Data to demonstrate the ineffectiveness of hydroxychloroquine, 25 May 2020. The Digital Review.
ix Covid-19 and influenza vaccination: y does he have a link? 8 May 2020. https://evidencenotfear.com
x Influenza season 2019-2020 : reorientation of monitoring systems for COVID-19, WHO website. www.euro.who.int
xi Grippe 2019 : the vaccine modified to cope to a virulent epidemic, Louise Ballongue, 23/09/2019. www.medisite.fr
xii Where did the seasonal flu go? ? Investigation on statistics of the number of deaths linked to the coronavirus. Pryska Ducoeurjoly, 15 May 2020. www.neosante.eu
xiii Are you infectious if you have a positive PCR test result for COVID-19?
5 August 2020, Tom Jefferson, Carl Heneghan, Elizabeth Spencer, Jon Brassey. www.cebm.net
xiv Skowronski DM, et al., Association between the 2008-09 Seasonal Influenza Vaccine and Pandemic H1N1 Illness during Spring-Summer 2009: Four Observational Studies from Canada, PLoS Med, 2010
xv Editions Le Chariot d’Or.
xvi Yearly influenza vaccinations : a double-edged sword ? Bodewes et al. Lancet Infect Say. 2009.
xvii See Neo Health May 2020, folder : Vaccination, the hidden cause of new epidemics.
xviii Halstead S. 2014. Dengue antibody-dependent enhancement: knowns and unknowns. Microbiolspec. 2014
xix Set of proteins involved in immune reactions that act as signals that allow cells to to act remotely on other cells to regulate their activity and function.
xx Also read the article on Wikipedia “Facilitation of infection with antibodies”.
xxi Vaccine-induced enhancement of viral infections (Induced increase in viral infections by the vaccine). In. Huisman et al. Vaccine . 22 January 2009.
xxii Towards a COVID-19 vaccine : lessons from SARS, of MERS and recent data on the immune response to SARS-CoV-2. 14 April 2020;
xxiii The 112-Year Odyssey of Pertussis and Pertussis Vaccines—Mistakes Made and Implications for the Future, James D Cherry. Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society. September 2019.
xxiv Viral-Induced Enhanced Disease Illness. Maria K. Smatti et al. Front. Microbiol., 05 December 2018.
xxv Anuj sharma, It is too soon to attribute ADE to COVID-19, Microbes and Infection, 5 April 2020
xxvi De Serres G, et al., Influenza Vaccination of Healthcare Workers: Critical Analysis of the Evidence for Patient Benefit Underpinning Policies of Enforcement, PLoS One, 2017
xxvii Vaccines and Society Collection, Le Chariot d’Or.
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Keywords: facilitator antibodies, coronavirus, covid-19, flu, viral interference, vaccine