Sylvie Simon, a great lady of alternative information

The 9 November 2013 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

"It is more difficult to disintegrate an atom belief". This quote from Albert Einstein sits on top of the homepage Sylvie Simon, atypical journalist, also a free electron ! This grande dame of unconventional information is gone this 8 November 2013. She prefaced my work, Toxic Company, in 2010.

Ecological contraception : free themselves from the pill, possible

The 29 August 2013 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

La pilule, it is not a panacea. Fortunately, the natural contraception method has made great progress : it is considered as effective as the pill, is shown ! Absolutely excellent : there are also mobile applications to help women manage their fertility naturally… It is no longer a thing of grandmother : women initiated this modern technology can already calculate their cycle and know exactly what their fertility status strumming a few seconds on their smartphones. The contraceptive revolution is indeed running !

Agriculture bio : Figaro spreading fear, doubt and uncertainty…

The 22 February 2013 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

Le FUD (fear, doubt and uncertainty, English-speaking) is a rhetorical tool that distills the media disinformation. It is often used by some media files hustling the established order, eg bio. In its edition of weekend (the 22 February 2013), Figaro Magazine delivers a fine example of FUD, denigrating skillfully bio […]

My new blog is posted !

The 1 February 2013 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

Dear visitors, I just update a new version of my blog with the help of the excellent social media agency Bordeaux : Idewan. The objective of this renovation is a “refocusing” of my articles on my deepest aspirations in journalism Free. I introduce two headings : Ecovillage Tour New Paradigms They are intended […]

Attend the congress quantum Therapies (Biarritz) staying at home, through internet !

The 29 November 2012 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

Everyone can follow the next congress on quantum therapies Biarritz staying at home, through internet.
With an unbeatable price : 35 euros for access “live” interventions for three days (30 November, 1is a 2 December), is clearly positioned in the accessability to all.

Intox media, Obesity : the society of permanent stress

The 23 November 2012 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

Not only media company maintains us in a continuous stress but it is even more difficult to bear than hammered information is rarely compensated by the good news that could "reassure" the immune system.

Guide 4 000 pharmaceuticals: AZT is really a “drug excellence”?

The 2 October 2012 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

Specialist retrovirus, le Dr Etienne de harrow, known for his dissident views on AIDS responds to the publication of “Guide 4000 medicaments, useless or dangerous”. According to him, nothing to suggest that the AZT molecule, recommended in the treatment of AIDS, either “drug excellence”. This molecule is even highly toxic to the cell respiratory system. The authors of the guide 4 000 pharmaceuticals “should explain” the reasons which have made them classify as a beneficial drug AZT.

The sun, this is health !

The 19 September 2012 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly
le soleil c'est la santé

Sun care DANGER ! This message summarizes current policies regarding solar star, father of us all… He must beware, protect themselves, apply the cream at all times! This alarmist is not without consequences on public health, because it contributes to demonize the sun, however essential to our survival, particularly through the […]

Origine you Sida : track the abuse of antibiotics

The 15 September 2012 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

If HIV does not exist, or does not cause AIDS, as claimed by the “dissidents”, what the causes?
La piste de l’abus des antibiotiques est une des hypothèses évoquées lors du colloque informel qui s’est tenu cet été au Pont-du-Gard.

Affaire Merah, affaire d’Etat ?

The 28 March 2012 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

Dans l’affaire Merah, beaucoup de zone d’ombre reste encore à éclaircir. Mohamed merah aurait-il été envoyé au Moyen-Orient pour une mission de repérage ? Lui qui par ailleurs avait souffert d’avoir été rejeté par l’armée, aurait-il pu accepter un arrangement avec les « services » pour s’épargner quelque nouvelle peine liée à ses anciennes affaires ?