The great myth of "white discharge"

The 18 June 2014 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

Regularly, visiting the GP the same question comes up, Such a diagnostic means. The doctor takes his air investigator and you seriously wonder : "Do you have white discharge ? », implied, it is a symptom of disease, whether it's a fungus, an intestinal problem, etc.. On your side, you are forced to admit that yes, you have… Many women feel as shameful, sales, address this issue, actually, has no reason to be ! What are we talking about it really ?

Hyperactivity in children : Ritalin is really the solution?

The 1 May 2014 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

One in eight children now suffering from a mental or behavioral disorder that impairs his sociability and education. A figure for the less amazing. Among these disorders : hyperactivity or ADHD. 200 000 school-age children in France are achieved and progress is worrying. Fortunately, as you will discover in this folder, the, chemical straitjacket of Ritalin is not inevitable.

Being sane in insane : experience Rosenhan

The 27 April 2014 my critical eye

Psychiatrists are they really able to differentiate certainly sane those people with mental illnesses ? Experience shows otherwise.

The former CEO of Eli Lilly (Suede) gnawed by remorse

The 22 April 2014 my critical eye
Side effects : la mort John Virapen

John Virapen, 64 years, ancien PDG of Eli Lilly in Suède, Book the story of his career in the pharmaceutical industry. Professional confession motivated by deep, very deep remorse : ” Ghostly figures appear in my dream, Written by-yl en préambule. They beat their heads against the walls”… Elli Lilly was ranked 2006 among 100 first companies in which it is recommended to work by Fortune Magazine

Pesticides in vineyards : the “inexcusable fault of the employer” recognized

The 21 April 2014 my critical eye

Learned sept ans combat judiciaire, Sylvie, salariée in Dordogne, in Bergerac, finally wins the case. Sa pension of invalidité ? 107€/mois… In this article very interesting blog My Planet, held by my former colleague Cathy Lafon, Of particular note is the denial of judicial authorities…

To not let you manipulate, decrypt the info !

The 15 April 2014 my critical eye

L’Internet, certainly freer and more diverse than the professional media, the receptacle is also bad but not the best. Today, no one can guarantee an exact and accurate information. La solution ? Know decrypt the information you receive and get used to seek the truth yourself ! Pas easily ? This is indispensable if you want to avoid being manipulated. This book is specifically designed to help you.

Reward a small tip your favorite content creators through Tipeee

The 15 April 2014 my critical eye

Based on the philosophy of “tip” (tip), Tipeee is a participatory platform that allows you to support and compensate artists web that affect you. the site is the first French site participatory tip (tip), designed by the creator of My Major Company, Michaël Goldman.

A vaccine against cancer cervix : a health bomb ! (folder)

The 1 April 2014 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

Is the bite too ? Supposed to "prevent" cancer of the cervix, with Gardasil, has been injected over two million 14-25 ans en France, despite placing on the market from controversial 2006. Le vaccin anti-HPV (papillomavirus humain) is now the subject of several criminal complaints and a recent petition for an investigation. Probably the beginning of a long legal medical history. A new scandal in perspective.

Angina, constipation ou fièvre ? Magnesium chloride, a miracle cure to 2 € !

The 28 January 2014 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

What costs two euros pharmacy and heals almost everything ? Magnesium chloride ! Tales Fatigue, lack of tone, Constipation, irritability, les angines blanches ou rouges, la grippe, la fièvre, le stress, wounds, list of its virtues is long !

Against toxic emotions : Bach Flowers

The 12 November 2013 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly
Réalisation d'un élixir de de fleur d'impatience, selon la méthode du Dr Bach. Photo Pryska Ducoeurjoly

These flower essences are experiencing a craze at the height of the collective aspiration to treat otherwise. They are found in organic stores long, but insurance can be purchased in pharmacies has contributed to their development, despite a philosophy at odds with current medical designs ! In my naturopathic practice, I give them a prominent place !