
Vaccination against influenza suspected of worsening the covid-19 epidemic

Le Tuesday 20 October 2020

The flu vaccination campaign begins. It remains recommended this year to reduce the risk of co-infection with a "second wave" of covid-19. As a matter of fact, the influenza vaccine is suspected : according to some scientists, the raw vaccine 2019 may have caused the global epidemic outbreak. Why, comment ?

Covid vaccine could penalize children and group immunity

Le Thursday 18 June 2020

Children, regularly infected with coronaviruses, had better immunity than adults to resist this virulent strain. Vaccinating adults or a risk group rather than another may seem logical, but the overall benefit for the whole population, especially for the youngest, may not be there ! here's why.

Vaccination : the hidden cause of modern epidemics ?

Le Tuesday 2 June 2020

The pro-vaccine media buzz ignores a worrying and documented phenomenon : influenza vaccination may actually favor coronavirus infections! In many other pathologies, the vaccine remedy would prove worse than the disease. This is what we will explore in this special covid-19 file.!

Where did the seasonal flu go? ?

Le Thursday 30 April 2020

While the flu averages 10 000 dead every year, we hardly heard about it this year. And if we had classified coronavirus a majority of people with influenza ? This angry question will fuel many debates. As a matter of fact, we are currently unable to tell the difference between flu and coronavirus deaths this year !

Angina, constipation ou fièvre ? Magnesium chloride, a miracle cure to 2 € !

Le Tuesday 28 January 2014

What costs two euros pharmacy and heals almost everything ? Magnesium chloride ! Tales Fatigue, lack of tone, Constipation, irritability, les angines blanches ou rouges, la grippe, la fièvre, le stress, wounds, list of its virtues is long !

Vaccin H1N1 : the era of the sorcerer's apprentice?

Le Wednesday 31 March 2010

PAR SYLVIE SIMON Le Pr Bruno Lina, à la fois conseiller de Margaret Chan et de Roselyne Bachelot pour notre dernière « pandémie » devrait raser les murs, car il porte une grande part de responsabilité dans la faillite monumentale de cette vaccination. Lui qui prétend être resté « indépendant » en matière de stratégie, alors qu’il préside le Comité […]