
The science fiction of herd immunity and vaccine altruism

Le Friday 30 June 2023

Many people have accepted the anti-covid vaccination to protect their loved ones and contribute to herd immunity. But what do we really mean by “herd immunity”? ? This expression can be understood as the sum of the individual immunities. As a matter of fact, it designates a theory based on a mathematical model which claims to put into equation the phenomenon of contagion. This model justifies freedom-killing vaccination obligations in the name of “societal altruism”… As we will find out, herd immunity theory, real reason of state, has never proven its validity.

Vaccination : the hidden cause of modern epidemics ?

Le Tuesday 2 June 2020

The pro-vaccine media buzz ignores a worrying and documented phenomenon : influenza vaccination may actually favor coronavirus infections! In many other pathologies, the vaccine remedy would prove worse than the disease. This is what we will explore in this special covid-19 file.!

Vaccin H1N1 : the era of the sorcerer's apprentice?

Le Wednesday 31 March 2010

PAR SYLVIE SIMON Le Pr Bruno Lina, à la fois conseiller de Margaret Chan et de Roselyne Bachelot pour notre dernière « pandémie » devrait raser les murs, car il porte une grande part de responsabilité dans la faillite monumentale de cette vaccination. Lui qui prétend être resté « indépendant » en matière de stratégie, alors qu’il préside le Comité […]