Papillomavirus : withdrawal of Gardasil ...

The Spanish health authorities have withdrawn from the market

75 582 doses of vaccine against human papillomavirus

Source : Published on 10/02/2009 to 13:28 – Modified 10/02/2009 to 13:37 AFP

« The Spanish health authorities have withdrawn from the market 75 582 doses of vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) which can cause cervical cancer, after hospitalization of two teenage girls who had just been vaccinated in the Valencia region (East).

"One of the girls came out of intensive care this weekend and the other is still, both are in stable condition ", said Tuesday AFP a spokesman of health services of the Regional Government of Valencia.
These two girls, vaccinées la semaine dernière contre ce virus dans le cadre d’une vaste campagne de vaccination des adolescentes lancée par les autorités espagnoles, avaient dû être hospitalisées d’urgence après s’être senties mal quelques heures après avoir reçu le traitement.
Après avoir pris connaissance de ces deux cas et de leur lien possible avec le vaccin, le ministère espagnol de la Santé a ordonné le retrait de tous les vaccins du même lot, de marque Gardasil, soit au total 75582 doses.
« Du lot mentionné, 75 582 doses ont été distribuées en Espagne, dont 21 300 acquises par les régions de Valence, Madrid et d’Estrémadure (East) pour les administrer dans le cadre de leurs programmes de vaccination. Le reste a été distribué aux pharmacies », selon un communiqué du ministère »

Cette nouvelle va faire l’effet d’une bombe, en pleine campagne française de vaccination contre le papillomavirus (note 1, 3).

Destiné aux toutes jeunes filles, dans un souci de « prévention » contre le cancer du col de l’utérus, dont serait responsable le papillomavirus, le vaccin Gardasil n’a pas même encore prouvé ses bénéfices qu’on en mesure déjà les risques !

Selon Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin, ministre française de la santé, de la jeunesse et des sports, « le Gardasil est un produit nouveau, efficace et coûteux (135 euros par dose, trois doses nécessaires) dont la prise en charge par la collectivité est indispensable pour assurer que les femmes aient accès à cette prévention ». Son remboursement pourrait atteindre 100 million per year. La ministre précise que ce vaccin « ne protège pas de toutes les souches de virus. Il est rappelé à toutes les femmes qu’un suivi clinique régulier par leur médecin et qu’un dépistage par frottis vaginal restent indispensables ». De son côté, l’Agence française de sécurité sanitaire des produits de santé (AFSSAPS) has set up a national risk management plan to detect and investigate any reports of new adverse effects in actual use of the new vaccine. 370 000 girls are potentially concerned. (Above, picture of the current vaccination campaign)

This rebound comes right in scandal

around the Nobel Prize in Medicine 2008

Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines are found indeed in the heart of a corruption scandal that splashes the Nobel Prize. The Swedish court investigating a case of corruption in several committees, including Nobel Medicine. The most serious charge is the Anglo-Swedish pharmaceutical group AstraZeneca, soupçonné, par la radio suédoise, [Sveriges Radio] d’avoir payé pour que l’allemand Harald zur Hausen , qui a découvert le papillomavirus (agent causal du cancer du col de l’utérus), reçoive le prix Nobel de médecine 2008, aux côtés des français Luc Montagnier et Françoise Barré Sinoussi (découvreurs du virus du sida). Le Pr Bo Angelin, du Karolinska Institute, membre votant du comité du prix Nobel de médecine, siège parallèlement au conseil d’administration d’AstraZeneca depuis le 25 July 2007. Selon le site Internet du magazine Scientific American, la firme lui a versé 30 000 dollars l’an dernier. [Le Figaro, 18/12/08]. De surcroît, le président du comité Nobel qui décerne le prix de médecine, Bertil Fredholm, worked as a consultant for AstraZeneca, as revealed by Jean-Yves Nau in Le Monde (18/12/08)…

More juicy details here :

Currently, No independent study has really demonstrated

its effectiveness against HPV,

whether short-term or long-term.

We sorely lacking in decline. Thus, one might even wonder whether the current campaign is not intended to measure, " live ", the risk / benefit ratio. The least we can say, is that is that it does not seem to turn in favor of Merck & Co which markets Gardasil.

Le retrait en Espagne vient de donner un argument supplémentaire aux multiples mises en garde lancées par des associations ou des médecins européens, des mises en garde formulées dès 2007 aux Etats-Unis, mais qui sont restées très peu relayées dans les média français, pays où parler de « dogme » vaccinal est déjà, en soi, une hérésie.

L’ONG Judicial Watch signale une vingtaine de décès suspects liés à ce vaccin. Au Québec, le Réseau québécois d’action pour la santé des femmes (RQASF) et le Regroupement des maisons de jeunes du Québec (RMJQ) demandent un moratoire sur la campagne de vaccination contre le VPH annoncée en septembre dernier par le gouvernement. Read also :

"It remains to be seen what the long term side effects, especially since many have already been reported and were in the news, surtout aux Etats-Unis (cf. the report of the consumer association “Judicial Watch”. We reported in this note ( ) Second report “Judicial Watch“, appeared late June 2008, that speaks of close to 9000 reported side effects, including twenty deaths, miscarriages, Guillain-Barré syndrome… », reports blog Pharmacritique (

In France, il and to an, in a ITW given to French mutual, Dr Bernard Guerin's Masgenêt, gynecologist at the maternity hospital Gustave Dron, in Tourcoing (North), also showed him his rétiscences before a mass vaccination campaign : "I'm always very wary – but perhaps too wary ! – in respect of new pharmaceutical industry, especially when huge financial interests are at stake. We remember the massive vaccination campaign against hepatitis B and concerns vis-à-vis multiple sclerosis. The placing on the market of Gardasil® has surprised everyone by its speed and by the amount of media pressure on doctors and their clients : we did not have time to breathe or think ! This aggressive trade promotion is, for me, a source of embarrassment and suspicion. (…)Among gynecologists, enough of us to be embarrassed and reluctant. (…) With vaccination, France is ready to spend a fortune for a public health problem that does not exist (2) ! I exaggerate a little, but in our country, invasive cervical cancer – the true cancer – is rare in women receiving gynecological care and regular screening Pap.

Read more :

In Europe, it is Germany which is the most advanced country in the criticism of Gardasil. The Dr Becker-Brüser,quoted in an article in the German newspaper Southgerman newspaper (roughly the equivalent of Release) in October 2007, engaged in a detailed study of the vaccine. The director of the independent review Drug-Telegram, the best European independent source of medical information in the pharmaceutical industry, published in the June issue 2007 a detailed analysis ( provisional results published by the laboratory of Gardasil. It is this scientific analysis that forms the basis of reports in the German mainstream press. It concluded that prescribing of Gardasil is unfounded.

More than ever, caution should be around this vaccine. That mothers and girls sharpen their critical thinking before taking to the letter the recommendations contained in the promotional leaflets placed in waiting rooms.


  1. : "Vaccination against papillomavirus infections 6, 11, 16, 18 is recommended for all girls aged 14 years, to protect them before they are at risk of HPV infection. The vaccination schedule includes three injections respecting an interval of two months between the first and second injection, and an interval of four months between the second and third injection. Remedial measure is provided and the vaccine is also offered to girls and young women aged 15 to 23 years that would not have had sex or later, in the year following the start of their sex lives. Cette mesure de rattrapage pourrait être proposée à l’occasion d’une primo-prescription de contraception, d’un recours à une pilule du lendemain, ou lors d’une consultation pour tout autre motif. Remarque : la vaccination contre les infections à papillomavirus 6, 11, 16, 18 ne se substitue pas au dépistage des lésions précancéreuses et cancéreuses du col de l’utérus par le frottis cervico-utérin, y compris chez les femmes vaccinées, mais vient renforcer les mesures de prévention. À partir de 25 years, toutes les jeunes femmes vaccinées ou non vaccinées doivent continuer à bénéficier du dépistage selon les recommandations en vigueur. This vaccine is not effective in preventing approximately 30% cancers of the uterine cervix "
  3. INVS : "Data from the Alsatian pilot organized screening were used. The model was calibrated by comparison with incidence and mortality data of cervical cancer. The organization of screening and organizing the screening coupled with vaccination 80 % reduce teenage, compared to the current situation, the number of cervical cancers, respectively 16 and 34 %. The cost per additional life-year gained by vaccination in addition to the screening would be included, : assumptions for the discount rate profits, between 27 500 and 55 500 € if one takes into account all medical costs and between 17 500 and 35 400 € for Health Insurance ".

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