
“Free” papillomavirus vaccine : a crucial point for parents!

Le Tuesday 12 September 2023
Gardasil controversy investigated.

In this Gardasil investigation, I answer most of the questions parents ask and I update the main elements of the controversy that the media are careful not to tell us about. ! As you'll discover, fraud is at every level, a textbook case in terms of health scandal.

Vaccination : the hidden cause of modern epidemics ?

Le Tuesday 2 June 2020

The pro-vaccine media buzz ignores a worrying and documented phenomenon : influenza vaccination may actually favor coronavirus infections! In many other pathologies, the vaccine remedy would prove worse than the disease. This is what we will explore in this special covid-19 file.!

Gardasil, the vaccine that increases the risk of cancer

Le Tuesday 5 February 2019

Nicole and Gérard Delépine's latest book, "Vaccine hysteria, Gardasil and cancer vaccine : a paradox "presents a contradictory reality : after 10 years of vaccination obligation, not only is the effectiveness promised by laboratories not met, but the rate of cervical cancer would also be doubled in young girls vaccinated in these countries !

A vaccine against cancer cervix : a health bomb ! (folder)

Le Tuesday 1 April 2014

Is the bite too ? Supposed to "prevent" cancer of the cervix, with Gardasil, has been injected over two million 14-25 ans en France, despite placing on the market from controversial 2006. Le vaccin anti-HPV (papillomavirus humain) is now the subject of several criminal complaints and a recent petition for an investigation. Probably the beginning of a long legal medical history. A new scandal in perspective.

Papillomavirus : withdrawal of Gardasil ...

Le Wednesday 11 February 2009

The Spanish health authorities have withdrawn from the market 75 582 doses of vaccine against human papillomavirus Source : Published on 10/02/2009 to 13:28 – Modified 10/02/2009 to 13:37 AFP "The Spanish health authorities have withdrawn from the market 75 582 doses of vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) which can cause cancer of […]