AIDS : voyage au pays de la serodissidence

The 15 December 2016 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

Une enquête sur les faiblesses du diagnostic du VIH et les dérives du suivi médical de la séropositivité. Après des recherches sur le web et mûre réflexion, certains séropositif ont arrêté la trithérapie. Leur état de santé ne s’est pas forcément dégradé ! Ce phénomène est qualifié de marginal par les spécialistes du VIH. Mais ces cas sont-ils vraiment des exceptions ?

Le grand mythe de la vaccination

The 25 October 2016 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

Les opposants à la vaccination parlent souvent de mythe vaccinal. Or il se trouve que dernièrement j’étais plongée dans la lecture de “La violence et le sacré”, et je découvrais la pensée de René Girard, grand spécialiste de la genèse des mythes. I then came the idea of ​​taking the expression,fr “mythe des vaccins” au pied de la lettre, et d’entreprendre un décryptage de la science vaccinale au regard de la pensée visionnaire de René Girard. Ce que j’ai découvert alors dépasse la simple comparaison…

Contraception hormonale : libération ou prison?

The 6 October 2016 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

The pill liberated women ", we are told. With synthetic hormones, the fairer sex has control of his body. But at what price? Besides the many inconveniences which they bear witness, deaths are far more numerous that & rsquo; they say.

Après l’affaire Médiator, les bébés Dépakine

The 10 August 2016 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

This medication, dont le principe actif est le valproate de sodium, a été prescrit à des femmes enceintes sans réel consentement éclairé. Or, depuis 1967, date d’arrivée sur le marché, la littérature médicale n’a cessé d’étayer la liste des effets tératogènes. Today, des milliers de familles payent le prix fort de cette « molécule miracle » contre l’épilepsie ou certains troubles bipolaires. A folder that is not the case in the years remind Distilbène or Thalidomide, deux autres tératogènes.

Qu & rsquo; is that the symptothermie ?

The 5 July 2016 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

The symptothermie is an ecological approach, responsible and sustainable for women who can not or do not want to use chemical contraceptives, or who wish to access a fundamental knowledge, respecting their bodies. This method of self-knowledge brings real contraceptive security (or design assistance). It is also a personal development tool that allows women to connect to its true nature

Jean-Marie Pelt : we swim in full Apocalypse !

The 24 December 2015 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

The France has lost a great man of & rsquo; ecology, a visionary source & rsquo; inspiration for anyone looking red d & rsquo wire; a better world. Here the & rsquo; interview that j & rsquo; have carried out in November 2010 for the Nexus magazine. The thought of Jean-Marie Pelt rest d & rsquo; news on a very large number of subjects : Bankruptcy media and politics, economic crisis, rise of terrorism, lack of spirituality…

Le soleil a-t-il plus d’impact sur le climat que le CO2

The 6 December 2015 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

Auteur de Voyage au centre de la terre, Vincent Courtillot is & rsquo; one of the scientists who defend the & rsquo; s event & rsquo; solar influence to explain the variations in temperature.

La vierge Marie, la femme la plus populaire au monde

The 2 March 2015 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

M and the third secret, c & rsquo; is the title & rsquo; a new documentary on the Virgin Mary. Shot in a dozen countries, this film offers a survey of the apparitions d & rsquo; a woman revered by Christians and Muslims. Quickly, l & rsquo; plot points us on the famous Secret of Fatima, offering another version as the Vatican. Interview with director.

Have the vaccines really eradicated diseases ? (survey)

The 3 February 2015 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

Is the supply of vaccines to public health really is validated by strong studies ? According to two books on this subject, many diseases have disappeared in the country said simply developed through… raising the standard of living ! Investigation.

Contraception : a mobile app rather than the pill

The 23 June 2014 by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

Many women take the pill against the heart. When in search of an alternative, they are told that there is no equally effective means. Or la symptothermie, modern natural method, provides a means reliable contraception for all women who want more chemistry.