Vaccines section

Vaccination : the hidden cause of modern epidemics ?

Le Tuesday 2 June 2020

The pro-vaccine media buzz ignores a worrying and documented phenomenon : influenza vaccination may actually favor coronavirus infections! In many other pathologies, the vaccine remedy would prove worse than the disease. This is what we will explore in this special covid-19 file.!

"Science is missing from vaccine medicine ! »

Le Tuesday 30 April 2019

Medical practitioner, international expert in cardiology and nutrition and researcher at CNRS (epidemiology and physiology), Michel de Lorgeril takes stock of vaccine safety and efficacy in a series of books. No real study according to current criteria, no real placebo, efficiency and safety that have never been demonstrated. Overwhelming. Interview by Pryska Ducoeurjoly

Gardasil, the vaccine that increases the risk of cancer

Le Tuesday 5 February 2019

Nicole and Gérard Delépine's latest book, "Vaccine hysteria, Gardasil and cancer vaccine : a paradox "presents a contradictory reality : after 10 years of vaccination obligation, not only is the effectiveness promised by laboratories not met, but the rate of cervical cancer would also be doubled in young girls vaccinated in these countries !

Le grand mythe de la vaccination

Le Tuesday 25 October 2016

Les opposants à la vaccination parlent souvent de mythe vaccinal. Or il se trouve que dernièrement j’étais plongée dans la lecture de “La violence et le sacré”, et je découvrais la pensée de René Girard, grand spécialiste de la genèse des mythes. I then came the idea of ​​taking the expression,fr “mythe des vaccins” au pied de la lettre, et d’entreprendre un décryptage de la science vaccinale au regard de la pensée visionnaire de René Girard. Ce que j’ai découvert alors dépasse la simple comparaison…

Have the vaccines really eradicated diseases ? (survey)

Le Tuesday 3 February 2015

Is the supply of vaccines to public health really is validated by strong studies ? According to two books on this subject, many diseases have disappeared in the country said simply developed through… raising the standard of living ! Investigation.

A vaccine against cancer cervix : a health bomb ! (folder)

Le Tuesday 1 April 2014

Is the bite too ? Supposed to "prevent" cancer of the cervix, with Gardasil, has been injected over two million 14-25 ans en France, despite placing on the market from controversial 2006. Le vaccin anti-HPV (papillomavirus humain) is now the subject of several criminal complaints and a recent petition for an investigation. Probably the beginning of a long legal medical history. A new scandal in perspective.

Sylvie Simon, a great lady of alternative information

Le Saturday 9 November 2013

"It is more difficult to disintegrate an atom belief". This quote from Albert Einstein sits on top of the homepage Sylvie Simon, atypical journalist, also a free electron ! This grande dame of unconventional information is gone this 8 November 2013. She prefaced my work, Toxic Company, in 2010.

H1N1 : no European survey

Le Friday 21 May 2010

« Le PPE et les Socialistes européens empêchent toute transparence sur la gestion de la crise H1N1 en Europe », s’indigne les Verts d’Europe Ecologie. Le PPE et les Socialistes européens ont refusé le 20 May, au sein de la conférence des présidents, la demande formulée par 210 députés européens, issus de l’ensemble des Groupes politiques, of […]

Vaccin H1N1 : the era of the sorcerer's apprentice?

Le Wednesday 31 March 2010

PAR SYLVIE SIMON Le Pr Bruno Lina, à la fois conseiller de Margaret Chan et de Roselyne Bachelot pour notre dernière « pandémie » devrait raser les murs, car il porte une grande part de responsabilité dans la faillite monumentale de cette vaccination. Lui qui prétend être resté « indépendant » en matière de stratégie, alors qu’il préside le Comité […]

Que contiennent les vaccins ?

Le Wednesday 27 January 2010

The media always turns the benefits of vaccinations, but they often fail to detail the list of components. What about the cumulative doses of these toxic components which are subject young children if we respect the vaccination schedule ? 10 injections de 0 to 9 month, 18 total up 6 […]